‘Things That May Hinder
(In writing about ‘healing’
I mean all kinds of healing, not just miraculous healing)
Isaiah 6:9-10.
a) The people were told.
b) The people heard.
c) They did not heed.
d) They did not understand.
e) Their minds were dull.
f) Their ears were stopped.
g) Their eyes were dim so they could not see.
(This QT reveals to me
Things That May Hinder Healing)
‘The Accusations Of Those
Who Oppose Us.’
Luke 6:7.
a) These accusations came from religious people.
b) These religious people are always watching us.
c) These religious people plan to trap us, even
though we are doing what is correct.
d) These religious people look for opportunities
to accuse us.
(This Second one prepares
me for personal victory over The Accusations Of Those Who Oppose Me)
The Gift of Healing that the Lord may
want to give to us needs to be clearly taught from the Word of God. If people
cannot understand what we are talking about it is very difficult for them to be
healed in any form.