‘The Stump.’
Isaiah 6:12-13.
a) The Lord said that He was going to send
everyone away.
b) The Lord was going to make the land empty, it
would be forsaken land.
c) Even if there was still 10% left it would
again be destroyed.
d) Only the stump was left.
e) BUT.
f) The stump is Holy Seed, it was not dead.
(Through this QT I can understand
how, in some countries today, The Stump is the Church)
‘Simon Peter Was Correct.’
Matthew 16:16.
a) Simon Peter answered the Lord Jesus.
b) You are the Messiah.
c) You are the Christ.
d) The Son of the Living God.
(Through this Second one I know that Simon Peter Was Correct)
God works He always does a perfect work. He does not leave something partly
done. We can read in the Scripture that there were a few times when God heard
the Intercession of His Pure People, relented of His Decision and showed Mercy.
God also calls His People to Intercession. We should not forget however, that
God always does a perfect work.