Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Descending Things!

‘Descending Things.’
a)   Acts 11:5. Peter was in Joppa praying and he saw a vision of a big white sheet being let down from Heaven.
b)   Genesis 28:12. In Jacob’s dream he had a vision of the Angels of God descending and ascending on a ladder from Heaven.
c)   Psalm 133:3. The dew of Hermon descends upon the mountains of Zion.
d)   Isaiah 30:30. The Lord will cause the descending blow of His Arm to be seen.
e)   Matthew 3:16. Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending upon Him like a dove.
f)    Matthew 28:2. The Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and rolled away the huge stone blocking Jesus’ tomb.
(This QT reveals to me Descending Things)
‘An Environment Where People Came To The Lord.’
Acts 2:41-47.
a)   Acts 2:41. There was:-
1- Welcoming of the Word of God.
2- Believers’ Baptism.
3- Church Growth.
b)   Acts 2:42. There was spiritually healthy Church life:-
1- Bible Study.
2- Fellowship.
3- Breaking of Bread.
4- Prayers.
c)   Acts 2:43. There were wonders and signs being done by the Apostles.
d)   Acts 2:44. There was a very real sense of togetherness and sharing.
e)   Acts 2:45. There was a sacrificial mercy ministry.
f)    Acts 2:46. There was a priority for Church life.
g)   Acts 2:46. They also shared fellowship and food in their homes.
h)   Acts 2:47. They were Praising God and living a good testimony.
i)    Acts 2:47. The Lord added to the Church daily those people who were being Saved.
(This Second one show to me An Environment Where People Came To The Lord)
The Apostle’s Ministry was a very important part of the life of the early Church. The Book of Acts reveals to us their meaningful input into cultures other than their own and their work in founding Churches and helping them to grow. I believe that there are still ministry gift Apostles in the Body of Christ. One thing is for sure…they do not call themselves ‘apostles’ they are called Apostles by the Body of Christ!

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...