Saturday, May 4, 2013

Signs And Wonders!

‘Signs And Wonders.’
a)                Isaiah 8:18. Are given to God’s People by teams of His Servants.
b)                Deuteronomy 6:22. Are showed by the Lord. (No person should take Glory for them)
c)                Nehemiah 9:10. May reveal the Hand of the Lord.
d)               Jeremiah 32:20. Glorify the Name of the Lord.
e)                Daniel 4:2. God shows them to His Servants.
f)                 Daniel 6:27. Are done by the Lord in Heaven and on Earth.
g)               Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22. Will be performed by false christs and false prophets.
h)               John 4:48. Some people will only Believe Christ if they see them.
i)                  Acts 4:30. Are done in the Name of Jesus.
j)                  Acts 5:12; 14:3. Were done by the Apostles in the early NT Church.
k)               Romans 15:19; 2 Corinthians 12:12. Apostle Paul did them by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
l)                  Hebrews 2:4. God bears witness to Ministry through them.
(This QT teaches me something about Signs And Wonders)
a)                Joel 2:6. May be caused by the difficult environment.
b)                Job 14:22. May be in our flesh.
c)                Job 15:20. Can be caused by our wickedness.
d)               Job 33:19. Can be caused by chastening that God allows.
e)                Psalm 25:18. We can Pray for God’s Mercy if we have it.
f)                 Psalm 48:6; Isaiah 13:8. And fear sometimes go together.
g)               Isaiah 21:3. Parts of our body may be filled with it.
h)               Jeremiah 12:13. May come from hard work on the farm.
i)                  Jeremiah 15:18. Is sometimes perpetual.
j)                  Jeremiah 30:23. God’s whirlwinds may cause it.
k)               Jeremiah 51:8. Balm may ease it.
(This Second one causes me to Pray for people in Pain)
Signs and Wonders are done in the Name of Jesus. When this is the case then they are truly signs and wonders from Him. In Prayer for Signs and Wonders the Name of Jesus must constantly be exalted. If a person is claiming to do signs and wonders this is totally incorrect and it is usually the wrong spirit, an evil spirit. We need to love the Truth of the Gospel Message more than we love signs and wonders. Let us trust in the Word of God and in the Holy Spirit.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...