‘The Demise Of Satan.’
Isaiah 14:12-15.
Isaiah 14:12. Satan the
Day Star and son of Dawn fell from Heaven.
Isaiah 14:12. Satan was
cut down to the Earth and helpless on his back.
Isaiah 14:13. Satan said
in his heart that he would climb up to Heaven. He wanted to raise his throne
above the stars of God.
Isaiah 14:13. Satan
wanted to sit at the Mount of Assembly on the Mount of Zaphon. (He wanted to
manifest his false authority)
Isaiah 14:14. Satan
wanted to ascend to the tops of the clouds and to make himself like the Most
High God.
Isaiah 14:15. Satan was
brought down to Sheol and to the depths of the pit.
(This QT teaches me about The Demise Of Satan)
‘Apostle Paul Encourages The Church At Philippi.’
Philippians 2:19-29.
Philippians 2:19. Paul hoped
to send Timothy to them so that he could bring good news from and about them.
Philippians 2:20; 1
Corinthians 16:10. Timothy was a very caring Minister.
Philippians 2:21; 2 Timothy
3:2. There seemed to be many people in the Churches that were seeking their own
interests and not those of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:22. Timothy
had proven value and worth. He was like a son with a father serving Apostle
Paul in the Gospel.
Philippians 2:23. Paul
wanted to send Timothy as soon as it was practically possible.
Philippians 2:24; 1:25.
Paul himself also wanted to visit Philippi.
Philippians 2:25. Paul
sent Epaphroditus to Philippi. Epaphroditus was:-
Paul’s brother.
Paul’s fellow worker.
Paul’s fellow soldier.
Paul’s messenger.
Paul’s minister to his needs.
Philippians 2:26.
Epaphroditus was longing to visit Philippi again. He was distressed because the
Philippian Church had heard that he was ill.
Philippians 2:27.
Epaphroditus was near death but God had Mercy on him. Also God had Mercy on
Paul because he would have been filled with sorrow if this dear man died.
Philippians 2:28. Apostle
Paul was eager to send Epaphroditus to Philippi so that they could Rejoice and
so that Paul would not have any burdens about the Philippian Church.
Philippians 2:29. Paul
asked the Philippians to receive Epaphroditus with Joy and Honour him.
(This Second one
shows me how Apostle Paul Encourages The Church At Philippi)
No one likes to
hear that someone they love or respect is ill. As True Believers there are
several ways in which we may be able to respond to ill people. Firstly, we can
pray for them and their immediate family members. Secondly, we may be able to
visit them, encourage them and pray with them. Thirdly, we can consider how we,
or the Church, may be able to help the immediate family members.