‘They Will Not Harm You.’
1 Peter 3:13.
a) Who is there to harm you?
b) If you are zealous.
c) Proverbs 16:7. For what is good.
QT reminds me that They Will Not Harm Me)
Timothy 6:18-19.
a) Wealthy Believers are to do good.
b) Wealthy Believers are to be rich in good
c) Wealthy Believers are to be generous.
d) Wealthy Believers are to be ready to distribute.
e) Wealthy Believers are to be ready to share.
f) If the Wealthy Believers do these things they
will store treasures for themselves as a good foundation for the future.
g) Should be laying hold on Eternal Life.
(This Second one teaches me about
Wealthy Believers)
In most Churches in Western Europe
and North America (and also in some other parts of the World) there are wealthy
Believers. Many of them are really True Believers. If the Church Leaders and
Churches only treat them as potential sources of money they are justified in
leaving the Church. Wealthy Believers also need to be living in Acts 2:42 and
have good Fellowship amongst those people whom they trust.