‘Gentle, Pure And Powerful.’
1 Peter 3:1-2.
a) Wise wives trust in the
authority of their husbands.
b) Even if some husbands do
not obey the Word.
c) They can be won over
through the conduct of their wives.
d) These husbands can see
the purity and reverence of their wives.
(This QT teaches me that a
good Believing wife is: Gentle, Pure And Powerful)
‘Every One Of Us.’
Romans 14:12.
a) So then.
b) Each one of us.
c) Will be accountable.
d) To God.
(This Second one is for Every One Of Us)
A good Believing wife is: Gentle, Pure and Powerful. The
Believing wife’s Prayers, for her family in particular, are so meaningful and
powerful. A good Believing wife does not live in fear but she lives in trust.
She is secure in the Lord even if her family is not yet living and walking in