‘We Need Understanding.’
Psalm 119:34.
We need to have understanding from the Lord.
Then we can keep His Word.
We can observe it with our whole heart.
(This QT reminds
me that I Need Understanding)
‘By Faith
According To Grace.’
Romans 4:13-16.
Romans 4:13. The
Promise that he should be the heir of the World was not to Abraham or to his
seed through the Law, but through the Righteousness of Faith.
Romans 4:14. If those people who are of the
Law are the heirs then Faith is in vain. The Promise is made of no effect.
Romans 4:15. The Law works wrath, where there
is no Law there is no rebellion either.
Romans 4:16. The Promise is on the Principle
of Faith. It is of Grace so that it is sure to all the Seed. This Promise is
sure to all the Seed, not only to that which is of the Law but also to that which
is of the Faith of Abraham who is the father of us all.
(Through this Second one I understand that it
is By Faith According To Grace)
We need to have understanding from the Lord.
Without that understanding it is so difficult to understand what we read. We
are like the Ethiopian eunuch in the Book of Acts, reading but not
understanding. This is a very good reason for us to be exposed to good Bible
and Biblical Teaching.