Friday, June 29, 2012

The Roman Commander, Observation And Praise!

‘The Roman Commander, Observation And Praise.’
Luke 23:34-47.
a)      The Roman Commander was overseeing the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, just as he had overseen many crucifixions prior to this.
b)      Luke 23:34. Jesus prayed to the Father for their forgiveness and the soldiers mockingly divided up Jesus’ clothes.
c)       Luke 23:35. The people were watching and their leaders were mocking Him.
d)      Luke 23:36. The soldiers came up and poked fun at Him offering Him wine vinegar.
e)       Luke 23:37-38. The soldiers challenged Jesus as King of the Jews to save Himself because the sign above His Head said that He was King of the Jews.
f)        Luke 23:39. One of the criminals being crucified next to Jesus asked Him if He was the Christ and if He was He should save all three of them being crucified.
g)      Luke 23:40-41. The other criminal spoke out that the first criminal should Fear God because all three were under sentence of death and yet Jesus had done nothing wrong. The other two were punished fairly.
h)      Luke 23:42. The second criminal asked Jesus to remember him when He entered Paradise.
i)        Luke 23:43. Jesus gave Him the assurance.
j)        Luke 23:44. Darkness covered the Earth.
k)      Luke 23:45. The Temple curtain tore from top to bottom, that was miraculous!
l)        Luke 23:46. Jesus cried out that He committed His Life into the Father’s Hands, then He died.
m)    Luke 23:47. The Roman Commander observed everything that had happened and he declared that Jesus Christ was Righteous, He then Praised God.
(Through this QT: The Roman Commander: Observation And Praise I see some of the Amazing Grace and Works of God)
‘Light Overcomes Darkness.’
John 1:5.
a)      The Light.
b)      Shines in the darkness.
c)       The darkness.
d)      Does not extinguish the Light.
(Through this QT I am sure that Light Overcomes Darkness)
The first criminal really had a negative and cynical attitude towards Jesus Christ. He was bitter, challenging Jesus with the word “if”. Sometimes we ask the Lord “why?” or “how long?” I find those two expressions acceptable as pouring out our heart before the Lord, even David the Psalmist did that in the Psalms. “If”, however, is completely incorrect, it is rudely challenging the Lord and True Believers should never do that.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...