‘Ministry Motivation Of An Apostolic Team.’
1 Timothy 4:10.
a) The purpose of their
b) The purpose of their
c) Is because they have Hope
in the Living God.
d) He is the Saviour of all
e) Especially those people
who Believe.
(This QT teaches me about
the Ministry Motivation Of An Apostolic Team)
‘Look After It Well.’
2 Chronicles 32:27.
a) King Hezekiah was a very
good king.
b) God Blessed him with
wealth and favour.
c) God gave him honour
before the people.
d) He made himself store
houses for:-
1- Gold.
2- Silver.
3- Pleasant Jewels.
4- Spices.
5- Shields.
6- Beautiful vessels.
(This Second one reminds me that when God gives me
something I am to Look After It Well)
When we truly have Hope in God we are willing to suffer for Him.
There are some Christians who reject the doctrine of suffering. These people
claim that Christ suffered on the Cross so there is no need for the Christian
to suffer. As True Believers we cannot accept these ideas because both Jesus
Christ Himself and the Apostles in their letters wrote about the suffering that
True Believers would sometimes have to face and how to have the correct
attitude in that suffering.