Saturday, May 19, 2012

Do Not Be Stubborn!

‘Do Not Be Stubborn.’
Proverbs 29:1.
a)   A person who stays stubborn.
b)   After many corrections.
c)    Will be suddenly broken.
d)   Beyond healing.
(This QT strongly reminds me: Do Not Be Stubborn)
‘Important For Church Elders.’
Titus 1:6.
a)   They should aim to be without fault.
b)   They should be faithful to their spouse.
c)    They should have faithful children who cannot be accused of self indulgence.
d)   They should have faithful children who cannot be accused of rebelliousness.
(Through this Second one I understand the things that are really Important For Church Elders)
Some people acknowledge the fact that they have flashes of stubbornness and they want to deal properly with that part of their personality, repent of it and get free. There are other people, however, who remain stubborn, they are always stubborn, stubborn character seems to be deep rooted within them. For this type of person only genuine repentance and following that effort and accountability can help them to be free from it. There also maybe some need for deliverance and personal restoration.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...