‘The Ruling Shepherd.’
Isaiah 40:10-11.
a) The Lord is coming with
Power to rule all the people.
b) He will bring rewards for
His People.
c) He will have their
payment with Him.
d) He takes care of His
People like a Shepherd.
e) He gathers them like
lambs in His Arms and carries them close to Him.
He gently leads the mothers of the lambs.
(This QT causes me
to Thank God for Jesus, The Ruling Shepherd)
‘On The Sixth Day.’
Genesis 1:31.
a) God looked at everything
He had made.
b) It was very good.
c) Evening passed and
daylight came.
d) This was the sixth day.
Second one reveals to me what happened On The Sixth Day)
the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, He gathers His People like lambs in His Arms.
He carries them close to Him. There is a Heart of Caring in Jesus Christ. If we
study the Gospels we can discover the Heart of Jesus Christ for ourselves. What
a Wonderful Saviour, He is also our Great Shepherd.