a) When they ask (especially about the things of
God) please answer them.
b) Tell them about the Powerful and Mighty Hand
of God.
c) Tell them about the Freedom He gave His People
and He still gives them it today.
QT shows that Believing Parents Teach Their Children)
Family Spiritual Priorities.’
Peter 3:7.
a) This
is written to Believing Husbands.
b) Live with your wives in an understanding way.
c) Consider your wife as the weaker partner.
d) Show your wife honour as a fellow heir of the
Grace of Life.
e) If
we do these things our Prayers will not be hindered.
Second one Teaches me Excellent Family Spiritual Principles)
the Children about the Freedom that the Lord gave His People and that He still
gives that Freedom today. Most children of True Believers understand more about
spiritual things than their parents think. It is good to talk to the Children
about spiritual things in language that they can understand and explain the principles