Monday, March 17, 2014

Live In The Light!

‘Live In The Light.’
1 John 1:7.
a)      If we live in the Light.
b)     As God is in the Light.
c)      We can share fellowship with each other.
d)     Then the Blood of Jesus, God’s Son.
e)      Cleanses and purifies us from every sin.
(This QT calls me to Live In The Light)
‘God Gave Them Over.’
Romans 1:24-32.
a)      Romans 1:24. To the sinful desires of their hearts concerning sexual impurity.
b)     Romans 1:24. They degraded their bodies with each other.
c)      Romans 1:25. They exchanged the Truth about God for a lie and worshipped the creature rather than the Creator Who should be Praised forever.
d)     Romans 1:26-27. God gave them over to their shameful lusts.
e)      Romans 1:28. They did not want to retain the knowledge of God so He left them alone.
f)       Romans 1:28-29. They are filled with every kind of sin and wickedness.
g)     Romans 1:30. They:-
1-    Say evil things about each other.
2-    Hate God.
3-    Are insolent.
4-    Are arrogant.
5-    Are boastful.
6-    Invent ways to do evil.
7-    Rebel against their parents.
h)     Romans 1:31. They have no:-
1-    Understanding.
2-    Fidelity.
3-    Love.
4-    Mercy.
i)        Romans 1:32. Even though they know the Word of God, they still continue in what they do and encourage their friends to do the same.
(This Second one shows me why God Gave Them Over)

People who are living a sinful lifestyle have no understanding of the meaning of “virtue” or “goodness”. It is obvious from the above Scripture that some of them came from a Church background. It is so important for us to realise in these days that when a Church Worships, they stand on Holy Ground.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...