‘Give Mercy.’
Proverbs 31:6-9.
a) Proverbs 31:6. Give strong drink to him who is
b) Proverbs 31:6. Give wine to him whose life is
c) Proverbs 31:7. Let him drink and forget his
d) Proverbs 31:7. Let him remember his trouble no
e) Proverbs 31:8. We should open our mouths for
the mute.
f) Proverbs 31:8. We should open our mouths for
the rights of the unfortunate.
g) Proverbs 31:9. Open your mouth and judge
h) Proverbs 31:9. Defend the rights of the
afflicted and needy.
(Through this QT I understand that as a True Believer I should
Give Mercy)
‘Abiding Is The Key.’
John 15:7.
a) If we abide in the Lord.
b) If the Lord’s Words abide in us.
c) We can ask whatever we wish in Prayer.
d) It will be done for us.
Second one reminds me that Abiding Is The Key)
We should
open our mouths for the mute. The care from the Church of those people who especially
need care is generally abominably weak. I thank God for those Pastors whose big
hearts care for the weak. Rev Ha Young Jo, whose is now with the Lord was such
a Pastor, he had a big heart for the weak people. In many Churches weak people
are rejected or put out of sight because they do not fit in the errant theology
or culture of the Church. May the Lord move the hearts of Churches to open
their mouths for the mute and care for the weak.