‘Speak Wisely.’
a) Proverbs 14:3. It will keep you out of trouble.
b) Job 16:5; Proverbs 10:32. We can help other people and take away their grief.
c) Psalm 37:30. Offering good counsel, knowing what is right from wrong.
d) Psalm 39:1. Curb your tongue when the ungodly people are around.
e) Proverbs 12:14. You can get many good things.
f) Proverbs 12:17. Tell the Truth.
g) Proverbs 12:18. Let your words bring healing.
h) Proverbs 13:3. Control your tongue.
i) Proverbs 15:1. A gentle answer turns away wrath.
j) Proverbs 15:7. Give good advice.
k) Proverbs 15:23. Say the right thing at the right time.
l) Proverbs 16:23. Your words will be persuasive.
m) Proverbs 18:20. Your words will bring satisfaction.
n) Proverbs 31:26. It is a proof that you are a godly and good wife.
o) Ecclesiastes 3:7. Know the time to speak up.
p) Ecclesiastes 9:17. With quiet words.
q) Ecclesiastes 10:12. It will be pleasant to listen to you.
r) Ecclesiastes 12:11. You will give guidance like a shepherd.
s) James 3:13. Do not brag about the good you do.
(Through this QT I find the necessity to Speak Wisely)
‘Do Not Let It Get To You.’
Psalm 73:2-3.
a) The Psalmist saw the prosperity of the wicked people but it got to him.
b) His feet were almost gone.
c) His steps had nearly slipped.
d) He was envious of these arrogant and prosperous wicked people.
(This Second one is a caution to me when I see the prosperity of wicked people I must heed this and Do Not Let It Get To Me)
A gentle answer turns away wrath. Frequently people get into unnecessary conflicts because they do not give a gentle answer when they have the opportunity to do so. A gentle answer also helps our heath and saves our blood pressure from going up.