Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Confused And Bewildered Crowd!

‘A Confused And Bewildered Crowd.’
Acts 2:6.
a)  When this sound occurred,
b)  A crowd came together and was confused 
c)  Because each one heard them speaking in his own language.
(This QT reveals A Confused And Bewildered Crowd)
‘From Predestination To Glorification.’
Romans 8:30.
a)  Those He predestined,
b)  He also called;
c)  And those He called;
d)  He also justified,
e). He also glorified.
(Through this Second one I discover the way From Predestination To Glorification)
PRAY: For a good personal understanding of God’s Word.
When we understand that we are Saved, or Born Again, or whatever phrase we may like to use about our New Life in Christ, that understanding puts us on the pathway to Eternal Life where we can grow in Faith. This understanding is a work of the Holy Spirit within us, given us because we are Saved. We should always esteem God’s Presence within us, given to us because we are His Children.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

It All Began With A Family - Again!

'It All Began With A Family - Again.'
Genesis 7:13-14.
a)  On the very same day
b)  Noah and Noah's sons,
c)  Shem, Ham and Japheth,
d)  And Noah's wife
e)  And the three wives of his sons with them,
f)  Entered the Ark-
g)  They and every beast after its kind,
h)  All cattle after their kind,
i)  Every creeping thing that creeps upon the Earth after its kind,
j)  And every bird after its kind, 
k)  Every bird of every sort, 
(This QT reminds me that It All Began With A Family Again)
PRAY: For the needs of your family to be met - whatever those needs may be.
'God Commanded.'
a)  Genesis 2:16. The man.
b)  Genesis 6:22. Noah. 
c)  Deuteronomy 1:41; 5:12 & 15. The Children of Israel.
d)  Deuteronomy 4:5; Joshua 9:24. Moses. 
e)  2 Chronicles 35:21. To make haste. 
f)  Matthew 15:4. That we honor our parents.
(Through this Second one I find some of what God Commanded)
PRAY: That we will be sensitive to what God Commanded.
Praying for the known needs of our family is a necessary and important prayer. Probably, you may be the only person who is praying for your family if your family are not active Believers in the Lord. Families are not exclusively God's Plan today but they are very much a part of His Plan. The local Church usually has a number of families within the flock, as well as the single people.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Our Helper!

'Our Helper.'
John 14:16.
a)  And I (The Lord Jesus) will ask the Father,
b)  And He will give you another Helper,
c)  That He may abide with you forever.
(This QT makes me grateful for Our Helper - the Holy Spirit.)
PRAY: To trust more in our Helper.
'The Spirit Of Truth.'
John 16:13-14.
a)  Guides us into all Truth. 
b)  Does not speak on His Own authority. 
c)  Speaks what He hears (From the Father).
d)  Declares the things that are to come.
e)  Glorifies the Lord Jesus.
(Through this Second one I understand more about The Spirit Of Truth)
PRAY: To be filled with The Spirit Of Truth.
God has given to us His Holy Spirit, we should be able to honor and trust Him. The Scriptures enjoin and exhort us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit within us and the Word of God which are our God-given Guides. As we learn to be filled with the Holy Spirit according to the Word of God, we can become increasingly sensitive to God Himself. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

A True Believing Community!

'A True Believing Community.'
Acts 2:5.
a)  Now there were Jews staying in Jerusalem
b)  Devout people,
c)  From every Nation under Heaven.
(This QT gives a clear picture of A True Believing Community)
PRAY: To be a part of A True Believing Community.
'All Welcome To Worship.'
John 12:20.
a)  Some Greek people
b)  Were among those who
c)  Went up to Worship
d)  During the Passover Festival.
(Through this Second one I realize the principle: All Welcome To Worship)
PRAY: For our Churches to have the concept: All Welcome To Worship.
In some Nations it is difficult to easily gather together with other Believers to Worship God. This difficulty may be for various reasons. Prayer, however, can make the seemingly impossible possible. If we pray, God can make a way. I have heard many testimonies of how God has made this possible. Even if it is difficult for us to have fellowship, we should maintain our personal Prayer life. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

When God Made It Rain!

'When God Made It Rain.'
Genesis 7:12.
a)  And rain fell upon the Earth
b)  For forty days
c)  And forty nights.
(This QT reveals what happened When God Made It Rain)
PRAY: Trusting God to give us the weather that is best for us.
'After His Fast.'
Matthew 4:2.
a)  Jesus fasted 
b)  For forty days and nights,
c)  He then became hungry.
(Through this Second one I realize that it was After His Fast that Jesus became hungry, not during it)
PRAY: That our fasting only be in the Will of God.
It is good to trust God for every part of our life and environment, this can even include the weather. In every climatic condition people's mood can be affected by the weather. This is something that we should not 'just accept', it is something that we should pray about. It is not so much as praying: "God, please change the weather." It is more about praying: "God, please change me!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Please Respond Well To The Lord!

‘Please Respond Well To The Lord.’
1 Samuel 3:10.
a)  The Lord came,
b)  Stood there,
c). And called as before:
d). “Samuel, Samuel,”
e). Samuel responded: “Speak, for Your servant is listening.”
(This QT reminds me of the call to please respond well to the Lord)
PRAY: To respond well to the Lord.
‘Faith and Love.’
2 Thessalonians 1:3.
a)  We must always thank God for you Brothers,
b)  Which is fitting,
c). Since your faith is flourishing.
d). And the love of every one of you
e). For one another is increasing.
(This Second one calls me to Faith And Love)
PRAY: For more Faith and Love to be in our lives.
Our responses to the Lord are an essential part of our Faith life. If we do not respond to Him when He. Speaks to us, we will not grow spiritually. To hunger and thirst after God includes responding to Him when He speaks to us. The Bible teaches us to respond to the Lord and not to be passive in our faith life.u

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...