Sunday, June 7, 2015

Walk In The Light!

'Walk In The Light.'
1 John 1:7.
a)  But if we walk in the Light ... it is a choice that we need to make.
b)  In the same way that the Lord is in the Light.
c)  We can have Fellowship with one another
d)  It means with the Lord and with other True Believers.
e)  Then the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son.
f)  Cleanses us from all sin.
(This QT calls me to Walk In The Light)
'A Potentially Lonely Situation.'
Ruth 1:5.
a)  Ruth's sons, Mahlon and Chillion died.
b)  Ruth was a widow because her husband had already died.
c)  Ruth was alone, the sole survivor.
(This Second one shows A Potentially Lonely Situation)
The Blood of Jesus Christ is not some kind of modern day spoken "Christian mantra"! The fact is that the Blood of Jesus still has great power. This Blood has the Power to wash away all of our sins. This Blood makes clean homes, businesses, churches and people. This Blood was shed so that our burdens can be taken away.
We thank God for the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...