Tuesday, June 23, 2015

It's All In A Name!

'It's All In A Name.'
a)  Revelation 13:1. A blasphemous name.
b)  Revelation 13:6; 16:9. God's Name.
c)  Revelation 14:1. The Lamb's Name.
d)  Revelation 14:1. The Father's Name.
e)  Revelation 14:11. The Beasts Name.
f)  Revelation 17:5. Babylon's Name.
g)  Revelation 19:12. An unknown Name.
h)  Revelation 19:13. The Name that is called the Word of God.
i)  Revelation 19:16. The Name: King of kings and Lord of lords.
j)  Genesis 2:11. The Name of Pishon River.
k)  Genesis 2:13. The Name of Gishon River.
l)  Genesis 2:14. The Name of Tigris River.
m)  Genesis 2:19. The Names of every living creature.
n)  Genesis 2:23. The Name Woman.
o)  Genesis 3:20. Eve's Name.
p)  Genesis 4:1. Cain's Name.
q)  Genesis 4:17. Enoch's Name.
r)  Genesis 4:19. Adah's Name.
s)  Genesis 4:19. Zillah's Name.
t)  Genesis 4:21. Jubal's Name.
u)  Genesis 4:22. Tubal Cain's Name.
v)  Genesis 4:22. Naamah's Name.
w)  Genesis 4:25; 5:3. Seth's Name.
x)  Genesis 4:26. Enosh' Name.
y)  Genesis 5:2. Adam's Name.
z)  Genesis 5:29. Noah's Name.
(This QT strongly and clearly reminds me that: It's All In A Name)
'So Go.'
Matthew 28:19.
a)  So go.
b)  Make Disciples of all Nations.
c)  Make followers of all peoples in the World.
d)  Baptising them In the Name of:-
1-The Father.
2-The Son.
3-The Holy Spirit.
(Through this Second one I want to respond to Jesus Words:- So Go)
Jubal's meaning is "The Father of Musicians." This is a lovely name. If a man is a Father of musicians he will be a very happy man. especially if those musicians are making music to the Lord. Sometimes, if a father has children who want to follow the way of the arts he is disappointed or even angry with them. This is sad and incorrect. God loves the Arts! He is Creator God.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...