Monday, June 1, 2015

A Pleasant Life!

'A Pleasant Life.'
a)  Job 1:4. When the family can gather and enjoy fellowship and food.
b)  Psalm 133:1. When we dwell together in unity with others.
c)  Hebrews 13:1. When we let brotherly Love continue.
(This QT reveals to me A Pleasant Life)
'Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding.'
Mark 12:6.
a)  The rough vinedressers from a different cultural background had been employed to look after the master's Vineyard.
b)  It was the time for the owner of the Vineyard, the master of the workers.
c)  To collect the harvested fruit and sell it.
d)  The master sent his beloved son to collect the harvested fruit.
e)  He was sure that the harvesters would respect him.
f)  That was according to the Master's Cultural background.
g)  The harvesters killed that beloved son.
(This Second one teaches me the disaster that can come from Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding)
The Master had a very trusting heart and concept because of his cultural background and understanding. Even until today, in different Nations of the World, this problem of Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding can cause much hurt and breakdown of friendships and relationships. This is why it is good to learn and understand the culture of other peoples if we are working for them or if we are marrying into their family.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...