Monday, October 28, 2013

Come Back To The Correct Way!

‘Come Back To The Correct Way.’
Isaiah 55:8-9.
a)      When Isaiah wrote this passage he was writing to a people who had gone away from God and who needed to come back to Him. It was not written to people living in the Acts 2:42 type of Christianity.
b)     God’s Thoughts were not the same as the thoughts of His erroneous People.
c)     God’s erroneous People’s ways were not the same as God’s Ways.
d)      This was the Declaration of the Lord.
e)     The Heaven is higher than the Earth.
f)      God’s Ways were and are higher than the ways of His erroneous people.
g)     God’s Thoughts were and are higher than thoughts of His erroneous people.
(This QT calls any of us who are God’s erroneous people to Come Back To The Correct Way)
‘It Came Again.’
Jonah 3:1.
a)      The Word of the Lord.
b)     Came to Jonah.
c)     A second time.
(Through this Second one I see that It Came Again)

When the Lord declares something it is His Declaration and nothing can change that. This should give us great confidence in the Words that He has spoken over our lives. God’s Ways, the Bible tells us, are far higher and greater than our ways. If God speaks to us or does something for or in us we need to Trust Him and follow His Way. 

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...