Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Simple And Easy To Understand!

‘Simple And Easy To Understand.’
Luke 7:42-43.
a)      Jesus was teaching Simon Peter about forgiveness.
b)      There were two people who were unable to repay their debts.
c)       One of them had a greater debt, the other a lesser debt.
d)      Both of them were graciously forgiven by the person to whom they owed the debt.
e)      Jesus questioned Peter as to which of these two people would love the one who forgave them more fervently.
f)        Simon Peter supposed that it was the person who was forgiven more.
g)      Jesus told Simon Peter that he had judged the situation correctly.
(Through this QT: Simple And Easy To Understand, I thank God that I have been given forgiveness of my sins through the Cross of Jesus Christ)
‘Those People Who Will Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God.’
Galatians 5:19-21.
a)      Galatians 5:19. The deeds of the flesh are obvious and evident. They are:-
1-      Immorality.
2-     Impurity.
3-     Sensuality.
4-     Adultery.
5-     Uncleanness.
6-     Lustfulness.
b)      Galatians 5:20. The deeds of the flesh are also:-
1-      Idolatry.
2-     Sorcery.
3-     Enmity.
4-     Strife.
5-     Ungodly jealousy.
6-     Outbursts of anger.
7-     Disputes.
8-    Dissentions.
9-     Factions.
10- Hatred.
11-  Rivalry.
12- Division.
13- Heresy.
c)       Galatians 5:21. The deeds of the flesh are also:-
1-      Drunkenness.
2-     Carousing.
3-     Murders.
4-     Orgies.
d)      Galatians 5:21. The Church needs to be warned and warned again.
e)      Galatians 5:21. The Church members who do such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
(This Second one clearly reveals to me Those People Who Will Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God, even though they may be in Church)
There should never ever be hatred in God’s Church. The Church is supposed to be a place of Love. Many people come to Church for the first time because they hear the news that God loves them, that God is Love. Some of these people are speedily disillusioned because they find hatred and strife in the Church. This is not just a sad and bad emotional fact but it is also a sign that we should not attend that Church because they are blocking people from entering the Kingdom of God.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...