The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, August 20, 2018
When The Blessing Comes!
'When The Blessing Comes.'
John 13:17.
a) Now that you know these things,
b) You will be Blessed
c) If you do them.
(This QT teaches me that the Blessing comes with the doing. The picture here makes me very thankful for Jesus Christ our Sacrifice. In Old Testament days, the Blessing of God came through sacrificing animals like this!)
PRAYER: For our active and obedient Faith.
'Made Right With God.'
Romans 3:25-26.
a) For God presented Jesus as the Sacrifice for sin.
b) People are made right with God
c) When they Believe that
d) Jesus sacrificed His Life,
e) Shedding His Blood.
f) This sacrifice shows that God was being fair
g) When He held back
h) And did not punish those who sinned
i) In times past,
j) For He was looking ahead
k) And including them
l) In what He would do
m) In this present time.
n) God did this to demonstrate His Righteousness,
o) For He Himself is fair and just,
p) And He declares sinners to be right in His Sight
q) When they Believe in Jesus.
(This Second one, Made Right With God, reveals to me that God is always fair, even though sometimes we do not understand His Ways and Decisions)
PRAYER: Thanksgiving for all that God has given to us through Jesus Christ.
The Blood of Christ has been shed for us. This is the ultimate Sacrifice, Christ died for our sins! Because of this fact, not only do we receive the forgiveness of our sins, but we can be healed and restored through and by Him. For the True Believer, this is one of the most powerful statements that can be made: "Christ died for my sins". The Message of the Gospel does not center upon the Church, it centers upon the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. Church attendance is good, proper and right, but, most important is our answer to the question: "Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?"
The Christian Life!
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