The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Jesus Is Teacher, Master And Lord!
'Jesus Is Teacher, Master And Lord.'
John 13:13.
a) You call Me:
b) You are right,
c) And so I am.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Is Teacher, Master And Lord!)
PRAYER: To the Lord, remembering that He is our Teacher, Master and Lord. Our Prayer is to submit to His Will, not to try to bend it to suit ourselves.
'Hold On To Our Integrity.'
Job 27:5.
a) It's unthinkable to admit
b) That a sinful person is right.
c) Until I breathe my last breath,
d) I will never give up my claim of integrity.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to Hold On To My Integrity)\
PRAYER: To Hold On To Our Integrity.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our Teacher. We can learn from Him! The Way in which we best learn from Him is to read about Him from His Word. I always encourage the New Believer to read the Gospels, starting from Mark, then John, Luke and Matthew, along with the Psalms. Through reading the Gospels, we read about the life of Jesus Christ and His Words.
These Words of Jesus can make a great impression on our lives, we apply them as we walk and live daily with Him. It is through these Teachings of Jesus we can learn what it means to be His Disciple. It is through reading and applying these Teachings of Jesus that we can grow as True Believers of His.
Many of the daily problems and awkward situations that we face in life can be answered and resolved through the Teachings of Jesus. The picture above shows a dripping tap, it is a very nice tap, but it is dripping. Sometimes our lives are like that, there is something wrong, that needs to be changed. Through the Teachings of Jesus our life situations can be changed.
These Teachings cannot be changed, bent or manipulated to suit a certain situation, they are very clear, and they are to be followed. We should follow the Teachings of Jesus and attempt to apply them to our lives, then we can be His Disciples.
The Lord Jesus Christ taught us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light, so if we are His believing Followers and yet 'someone' tells us something that is a heavy burden to us, it is very likely that this 'someone' is really incorrect in some way.
There is an important priority list of whom we should listen to: 1-The Bible (God's Word), 2-The Holy Spirit within us (Our Guide), 3-Our Shepherd, Jesus Christ (Who cares for us spiritually, His Words in the Bible are very important), 4-Our Spiritual Leaders and Helpers. As we 'grow spiritually in the Lord', we are able more clearly to discern His Will and to follow it, BUT we will always need this 1 - 4 that is just mentioned.
The Christian Life!
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