The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
We Shall Be Saved!
'We Shall Be Saved.'
Romans 5:9.
a) Much more then,
b) Having now been justified by His Blood,
c) We shall be saved from wrath
d) Through Him.
(This QT reminds me of the eventually completed Work: We Shall Be Saved. The picture reminds me of Fellowship that we can share with other people who are in like Salvation with us - a Fellowship Meal! It also reminds me of a tool of evangelism, when the Church offers a simple and delicious meal to folk, together with an invitation to join in Church activities and to come to know the Lord)
PRAYER: For confidence in and of our Eternal Salvation.
'Disobedience Or Obedience?'
Romans 5:19.
a) For as one man's disobedience
b) Many were made sinners,
c) So also,
d) By one Man's obedience
e) Many will be made Righteous.
(This Second one gives me understanding of the two ways: Disobedience Or Obedience)
PRAYER: That we will follow the One, by Whose Obedience, we were made Righteous: the Lord Jesus Christ.
We shall be Saved from Wrath through Him. This makes it very clear that, if we are True Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we will never have to face the Wrath Of God because we are Eternally Saved. As True Believers, there should be no room for manifestations of sinful wrath in our fellowship with other Believers, or with anyone else! Sinful wrath is not 'Righteous Anger'.
There is something peculiarly wrong if someone claims to be a True Believer and yet continues to live with a habit of unbridled wrath. Wrath is a part of the life of the 'fallen nature' and not a part of life for the True Believer. This sinful wrath can cause problems in our domestic life, Church life and working environment. It is nasty, it hurts other people, and can cause wounds inside our family and fellowship with other people too.
If we are a True Believer and yet have this 'wrath problem', we need to come to the Lord, repent of this wrath, and ask Him to deliver us from it.
It is possible that we have frustration and sinful wrath because we are not living or serving in the Will of God. It is also possible that it comes because we are living in fear. There remains, also, the possibility that we subconsciously protect our position, job, status or ministry through manifestations of wrath that keep other people from being close to us.
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