The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Pure And Undefiled Love!
'Pure And Undefiled Love.'
Song Of Solomon 6:9.
a) My dove,
b) My perfect one,
c) Is the only one,
d) The only one of her mother,
e) Pure to her who bore her.
f) The young women saw her
g) And called her Blessed;
h) The queens and concubines also,
i) And they praised her.
(This QT reveals human beings' Pure And Undefiled Love)
PRAY: For truly Christian marriages to be founded on Pure And Undefiled Love.
'Abraham's Pure Faith.'
Romans 4:3.
a) For what does the Scripture say?
b) Abraham believed God,
c) And it was credited to him
d) For Righteousness.
(This Second one reminds me about Abraham's Pure Faith)
PRAY: For our Faith.
Here is the love of the male for an only daughter. (This Scripture is sometimes interpreted as Christ's Love for His Church). As it is written we can simply see the love of a man for someone's only daughter. As we read the Book of Song of Solomon, we can see that this love is very pure and wholesome. This Book is also taught by some as the Love of Christ for His Church. There is however, more meaning than that. We can base teaching on "preparation for a good marriage" on this book too! Marriage preparation can and should be taught both practically and spiritually. In some Churches there are excellent seminars about this subject, sincerely prepared, seminars for brothers, seminars for sisters and seminars for couples. In these Churches, only couples who attend the seminars can be married in the Church. I really think that a good preparation for Christian marriage is built here. Where such seminars cannot be held, then there should be marriage discipleship sessions for the couple getting married, held by the Pastor who is going to officiate at the ceremony for them.
To just use or hire the Church building for a "Christian" wedding, is not really the way of God, or what God wants. The Church should be a place of Testimony, where the non-believers can see the reality of the Kingdom of God!
The Christian Life!
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