The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Christ Knows The Future!
'Christ Knows The Future.'
John 13:19.
a) "I am telling you now
b) "Before it happens,
c) So that when it does happen
d) You will believe
e) That I Am Who I Am.
(This QT reminds me that Christ Knows The Future)
PRAY: To Trust God for our future.
'God's Law Reveals His Righteousness.'
Isaiah 42:21.
a) The Lord was pleased,
b) For His Righteousness' sake,
c) To magnify His Law
d) And make it Glorious.
(Through this Second one I affirm that God's Law Reveals His Righteousness)
PRAY: For Grace to obey God's Word as and when He Reveals its understanding to us.
There are some rare and unusual times when God tells us about something that is going to happen before it happens. As we read the Scriptures we can see how rare this kind of experience honestly is. This is a part of the Holy Spirit's Gift "the Word of Knowledge".
This is definitely NOT fortune telling, or anything like it. This Gift does not bring any 'glory' to a person, but only Glory to God.
We should not consider seeking servants of the Lord about our future, as if they are some kind of fortune-teller. This is sin! (Sin of both the 'seeker' and the 'teller'.) We need to have Faith in God and His Word and to learn Obedience primarily to God's Word and Leading in our lives.
To receive counsel from godly Christian Leaders that we trust can help us when we need it (but should not control us or our decisions). Most of all, we should be led by the Word of God and then the Spirit of God.
During my times of serving in "Mission", I was grateful to be able to ask godly Christian Leaders for advice and counsel when I needed it. There were very few people I met with a 'gift' of false prophecy, like fortune-telling, there was a clear indication that these people had a problem with the desire to control others. I did not and I could not trust, or submit myself to, such people.
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