The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Naming Of Children Is Important!
'Naming Of Children Is Important.'
Genesis 32:27.
a) "What is your name?"
b) The man (angel) asked.
c) He replied:
d) "Jacob."
(This QT reminds me that Naming Is Important)
PRAYER: (i) As new parents, to carefully choose a name for your child. (ii) If there is something not right about the name you were given as a baby, to be able to prayerfully change it somehow (legally and/or socially) if you need to.
'Choose To Obey God.'
Romans 6:16.
a) Don't you realize that
b) You become the slave of
c) Whatever you choose to obey?
d) You can be a slave to sin,
e) Which leads to death,
f) Or you can choose to obey God,
g) Which leads to righteous living.
(Through this Second one I Choose To Obey God, and ask Him for the Grace to enable me to do it)
PRAYER: Ask God in Prayer to enable us to Choose To Obey Him.
The Naming of a child is very important. As Believers, we should be able to prayerfully consider the name of the child that God has given to us. This really should be the case in every culture and Nation. Children should not be named by fate or fortune teller (as happens in some countries). Children should not be named in some ridiculous way that is going to embarrass them as they grow up. Children should be named lovingly, prayerfully and carefully. We should pray for the new parents in our family, Church and social circle of friends, that they should be able to name their new baby children well.
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