The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
To Bear Much Fruit!
'To Bear Much Fruit.'
John 15:5.
a) I am the Vine;
b) You are the branches.
c) Whoever abides in Me
d) And I in Him,
e) He it is that bears much fruit,
f) For apart from Me
g) You can do nothing.
(This QT gives me the desire To Bear Much Fruit)
PRAYER: To Bear Much Fruit for the Lord's Glory.
'John The Baptist's Message.'
Mark 1:4.
a) John appeared,
b) Baptising in the wilderness
c) And proclaiming a Baptism of Repentance
d) For the forgiveness of sins.
(This Second one teaches me John The Baptist's Message)
PRAYER: To repent and receive forgiveness of sins where it is necessary now)
Surely, it is our desire, if we are True Believers, to bear much fruit for the Lord. There are many ways in which this fruit can be grown, many good things, some hidden, and others more public, that produce good fruit. I do not think that we should think about how much fruit we bear, or we do not bear, our priority should be simply following the Lord and His Way for us. The attitude of our heart when we are following like this is very important.
It is not just our sins that can disqualify us from our race today, it can also be the attitude of our heart.
If we know or feel that we are "not ready to run the race today", then we should not run, we should take time out with the Lord. There are some people who fall down into bitterness or lust simply because they are not ready to run the race when they should be ready - but they still try to run.
The major hindrances in our running of the race are:-
Telling lies; lust; greed; pride; comparing ourself with others; trying to impress others and give them a false image of ourself and bitterness.
The little list mentioned here produces walls in our lives that cause us to live in a lie. Living a lie is just as sinful as telling a lie, we really need to be free from that. Our daily Life and Ministry in the Lord is not simply about "not telling lies", it is also about not living a lie and learning to live in His Abundant Grace, whatever the circumstances.
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