The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
The Reason That We Live For Jesus!
'The Reason That We Live For Jesus.'
Romans 14:7.
a) For none of us
b) Lives to himself,
c) And no one
d) Dies to himself.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:15. i) Christ died for all people,
ii) That they should no longer live for themselves
iii) But live for Him,
iv) Who for their sakes
v) Died
vi) And rose again.
(This QT reminds me of The Reason That I Live For Jesus)
PRAYER: Thanking God that because of what Christ has done for us, we can live a New Life for and with Him)
'The Lord Says That He Is Merciful.'
Jeremiah 3:12.
a) Go,
b) And proclaim these words towards the North,
c) And say:
d) "Return, backsliding Israel,
e) "Says the Lord;
f) "I will not cause my anger to fall on you.
g) "For I am merciful. Says the Lord;
h) "I will not remain angry forever."
(This Second one encourages me: The Lord Says That He Is Merciful)
PRAYER: Thank the Lord that He is Merciful)
This part of the Message of the Gospel is also important:- That Jesus Christ our Lord, not only died for us, but He rose again for us too! The reason today that living for the Lord Jesus is possible and a reality, is that the Lord rose again from the dead to give us New Life, and then, after His Resurrection, He ascended back to His (and our) Father in Heaven. If we do not believe in the Resurrection of Jesus and the Life that we can share with Him because of that Resurrection, how can we then live for Jesus.
We serve a Risen Lord!
He went back to Heaven and then sent the Holy Spirit to be with us always. We have the Holy Spirit now because Jesus Christ died for us, rose again, and went back to Heaven. We may have the Holy Spirit now because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.
Christ died for us.
Christ rose again for us.
Christ went back to Heaven and is now interceding for us.
We should give thanks to, and, if possible, serve the Lord Jesus Christ because of all that He has done for us.
The Bible tells us through this QT that we do not live for ourselves and that the Lord is Merciful. The Bible also tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, that our response to what the Lord has done for us should be that we do not live for ourselves, but that we live for Him. If we truly understand the Message of the Gospel, we will, in some way, live for the Lord!
There are four basics that I was taught at the beginning of Ministry Life: For myself and to teach other new Believers - especially those with a desire to serve the Lord in some way:
1-Read our Bible daily if possible.
2-Pray. (We can learn to Pray anytime and anywhere discreetly, not just in the 'Prayer Meeting')
3-Come and have Fellowship with the Lord and His People. (Attending some place where we can Worship the Lord and hear His Message together with other people)
The picture shows a Church in a very tiny village, if we can attend a Church nearby our home - that is a really good testimony. If this is not possible for reasons of health or circumstance we can attend through TV, radio,
computer ministries, or maybe we travel a short distance to Church that we call our "spiritual home", or our "family of God".
For those people who because of illness or environment, cannot attend a local Church there are now many Worship Services in our own languages that can be seen or heard on the internet or on Christian TV, these are the most suitable for us, unless we are truly bi-lingual, or multi-lingual people. For some people, worship in their own language with TV 'worship' and attending Church in another language is a good way.
Many years ago, through necessity, I sometimes worshipped in Churches where I did not fully understand the language. I followed the Bible Passages, prayed, sang hymns and worship songs. There was no problem for me, I knew that God was there. I did not 'try to learn the language' in the Worship Service, I just went there to Worship! (People who go to Church to learn a language are actually abusing God - we go to Church to Worship, we go to language school to learn language. It would be a wonderful ministry if the Church opened a language school to help overseas people learn the local language!)
4-Tell other people, if and when appropriate, about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christian Life!
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