The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 2, 2018
A Root Of Presumptuous Fear!
'A Root Of Presumptuous Fear.'
Genesis 32:6.
a) The messengers came back to Jacob.
b) They said: "We went to your brother Esau.
c) "He is coming now to meet you.
d) "He has 400 men with him."
(This QT reveals A Root Of Presumptuous Fear)
PRAY: To be free from Presumptuous Fear.
'The Lord Is Always Ready To Forgive.'
Isaiah 55:7.
a) Let those people who are evil stop doing evil things.
b) And let them quit thinking evil thoughts.
c) Let them turn to the Lord.
d) The Lord will show them His Tender Love.
e) The Lord will have Mercy on them.
f) Let them turn to our God.
g) He is always ready to forgive.
(Through this Second one I understand that The Lord Is Always Ready To Forgive)
PRAY: Asking God to forgive us our sins, and thanking Him for His Forgiveness.
The facts in any certain situation when we are afraid of conflict, can seem threatening at least, sometimes they even maybe horrendous, causing us to panic and have distorted fear. Presumptuous fear is something that torments many insecure people (i.e. fear when there is no need to fear). This kind of fear can torment us if we suffer from it.
The Lord surely wants to restore us from our insecurity. There are many sources of it, I will mention just a few here (this is by no means a full list, just some examples):
1-Broken family relationships.
2-Knowing that other people have told, or are telling, untruths about us.
3-Going through business failure.
4-Failing in Christian Ministry.
5-Past experiences of unresolved conflict.
6-Growing up seeing our parents' own unresolved conflict.
7-Hyper-competitive educational pressure.
8-Honestly being inferior in performance to other people at school or in work-place. (By 'honestly' I mean it is real, not imagined!)
One of the 'fruit' of fear of conflict is that we tell lies. It is a sin to tell lies, and the frequent problem about this is that liars have no Peace, the lies that we tell 'catch up' with us.
Another problem is that we attempt to cover our problems by being alone. We eventually have no friends, no close family, no one that we can trust, we isolate ourselves.
The Truth is that the Lord can help us, the word used above is 'restore'. The Lord is always willing to restore His People on His Terms.
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