The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Blessed And Not Guilty!
'Blessed And Not Guilty.'
Romans 4:8.
a) Blessed is the man
b) Against whom the Lord
c) Will not count his sin.
Psalm 32:1-2.
d) Blessed is the one
e) Whose transgression is forgiven,
f) Whose sin is covered.
g) Blessed is the man
h) Against whom the Lord counts no iniquity
i) And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
(This QT reveals a wonderful condition: Blessed And Not Guilty)
PRAYER: To live in this condition, Blessed And Not Guilty.
'The Key To A Change Of Life.'
Acts 3:19.
a) Repent therefore,
b) And turn back,
c) That your sins
d) May be blotted out.
(Through this Second one I see The Key To A Change Of Life)
PRAYER: To repent if we need to.
The Bible contains many verses which begin with the Words: "Blessed are (or Blessed is)". What an amazing book, the Bible, the Word of God is! We find that God's first intention, written in the Book of Genesis, is to Bless His People. As we read though the Scriptures, time after time we find God's desire to Bless.
The Blessing of God is supposed to be both awesome and powerful! When He chooses to Bless someone, nothing or no one can take that Blessing away. We may be the only ones who hinder God's intention to Bless us, no-one else can do it. We cannot blame another person for "robbing us of the Blessing of God"! People who blame others seldom live in the Blessing of God, their blaming shuts out that Blessing.
We should be able to stop, think and thank God for the Blessings that He bestows upon us.
Generally, the way that we commune with God is through Prayer. Our personal Prayer life is not meant to be a complaints list, nor is it supposed to be entirely in a Holy Spirit language that we do not understand! Our personal prayer life is a very basic and important part of our devotional and personal relationship with God. Please remember that Apostle Paul wrote that he used both the 'Prayer in the Holy Spirit' as well as the 'Prayer with the understanding'.
(If we are not sure how to Pray, we need to go back to Matthew 6:5-18. Jesus actually instructed His Disciples how to Pray here, it was a priority and practical teaching, given at the beginning of training His Disciples in the 'Sermon on the Mount'. I also suggest that a written list of things or people to pray for or about can really help us.)
If we are tempted not to Pray, and then give into that temptation, simply put ... we stop praying! We begin to dry up spiritually. This can happen to the whole local Church too ... they stop praying! Then the Church dries up spiritually.
The result of this in a small Church is usually that it closes down, the result of this in a large Church is that the Worship Services become so 'dry' and it functions like a Christian entertainment center, then it begins to stop growing and gradually it dies.
The Christian Life!
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