The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 23, 2018
A Huge Peace-Making Gift!
'A Huge Peace-Making Gift.'
Genesis 32:14-16.
a) Genesis 32:14-15. A huge herd of animals that Jacob prepared to give to his brother in order to reconcile with him:
This gift proves that Jacob really wanted to reconcile with his brother Esau. The giving was executed so carefully!
b) Genesis 32:16. The animals were carefully divided into herds.
c) Genesis 32:16. There was a servant responsible for each herd.
d) Genesis 32:16. The animals were to go first.
e) Genesis 32:16. There was some distance to be kept between each herd.
(This QT reveals A Huge Peace-Making Gift. Jacob really wanted reconciliation with his brother)
PRAYER: To be able to have reconciliation when we need to, if it is possible.
'The Power Of Blood.'
Hebrews 9:22.
a) In fact,
b) According to the Law of Moses,
c) Nearly everything was purified with blood.
d) For without the shedding of blood,
e) There is no forgiveness.
(This Second one reminds me of the Power Of Old Testament Blood sacrifices - The Power Of Blood)
PRAYER: For assurance that the Blood of Christ is efficacious in dealing with our sin.
Jacob was really careful about his gift offered in order to have reconciliation with his brother. This was not a careless gift, it was a carefully thought out one that was given from his heart. If we need to have, or want to have, reconciliation with someone, that we need to do that with prayerful and careful preparation. Maybe we do not have many presents to give - even any presents to give - but we can still prepare our hearts carefully.
Reconciliation does not come from manipulation. Reconciliation is not calculated, it comes straight from the heart. It needs to take place in simplicity and honesty.
When reconciliation is made, for both sides in the reconciliation process, there can be peace and freedom for the heart.
Before making reconciliation properly, we need to pray, we need to ask God to heal our hearts from any pain or bitterness.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Reconciliation is not something that is "forced" upon us by God. We need to be willing and to realise that the Holy Spirit is a "Spirit of Reconciliation". God should lead us into reconciliation because we are already reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ's Cross. 2 Corinthians 5:19 tells us that we have been given "The Message and Ministry of Reconciliation" by the Lord.
REMEMBER ALSO: It is almost impossible to reconcile with a person who has "authority" over us because of the cultural environment. In such cases we should pray in our devotions for the "authority person" to have a change of heart and reach out to us in a purely reconciliatry way, without any will to manipulate us.
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