The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Go And Wash!
'Go And Wash.'
John 9:7.
a) Jesus told the blind man, whom He has just smeared mud over his blind eyes;
b) To go and wash in the Pool of Siloam, which means "sent".
c) So, he went and washed.
d) He came back seeing.
(This QT reminds me of the Creative and Healing Power of the Lord: Go And Wash)
PRAYER: For Grace and Energy to always obey the Lord.
'The New Righteousness.'
Romans 3:21.
a) But now,
b) Completely apart from the Law
c) The Righteousness from God
d) Has been manifested,
e) Being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets.
(This Second one calls me to Thank God for The New Righteousness)
PRAYER: Thank God for The New Righteousness.
We should thank God for our eyes! How miserable our life could be if our sight was taken away, or, if we have been born blind and have never been able to see.
Very many years ago, as a child, after surgery on my eyes, I had blinds covering my eyes for at least 10 days. It was a difficult experience for me then - at first I lifted a spoon to feed myself and it "missed" my mouth completely!
Ever since that time, even though my eyesight is not perfect, I thank God for my eyes and physical vision.
We also have "spiritual eyes"! We are reminded in the Day of Pentecost Sermon in Acts 2 that young men will see visions and old men shall dream dreams. Every True Believer, even if the physical eyes are impaired in some way, can potentially see in a spiritual way. (I have met a few people like that - visually impaired people who can "see" spiritually.)
We can pray for our physical vision today, but let's not forget to pray for our "spiritual vision" also.
The Bible teaches us that "spiritual vision" is important, 'without a vision, the people perish.' There are at least two meanings in there: i) If we and the Church have no vision, we will perish. ii) If the people around, in the community outside the Church, have no vision, they will perish.
We should pray for the physically blind and lonely people in our Church and our community, and ask God and the Social Workers (if your country has Social Workers) if there is any way in which we can serve them.
{A dictionary definition of community: "the people living in one particular area, or people who are considered as a unit because of their: Common interests, social group, or nationality."}
The Christian Life!
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