The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Jesus Knows His Followers Well!
'Jesus Knows His Followers Well!
John 13:10.
a) Jesus said to Peter:
b) "The one who has bathed
c) "Does not need to wash,
d) "Except for his feet,
e) "But is completely clean.
f) "And you are clean,
g) "But not every one of you."
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Knows His Followers Well)
PRAY: To be clean in every way in front of the Lord Jesus.
'There Is No Distinction.'
Romans 3:22.
a) The Righteousness of God
b) Through Faith in Christ Jesus
c) For all who Believe.
d) For there is no distinction.
(Through this Second one my belief is confirmed that: There Is No Distinction)
PRAY: For the Churches in your area to understand that There Is No Distinction.
The one who has bathed does not need to wash. The washing of feet here was simply practical because unshod or sandaled feet got dirty outside. They could not come inside in an unwashed state because they would make the floor of the house so dirty. This is like the habit of taking one's shoes off when entering a home, in many Asian Nations this is still the normal practice today.
The heart that is not clean is not known by other people BUT it is known by the Lord Jesus Christ. We should keep clean physically - that is our social responsibility - but we need, also, to keep a clean heart before the Lord and before other people too.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Go And Wash!
'Go And Wash.'
John 9:7.
a) Jesus told the blind man, whom He has just smeared mud over his blind eyes;
b) To go and wash in the Pool of Siloam, which means "sent".
c) So, he went and washed.
d) He came back seeing.
(This QT reminds me of the Creative and Healing Power of the Lord: Go And Wash)
PRAYER: For Grace and Energy to always obey the Lord.
'The New Righteousness.'
Romans 3:21.
a) But now,
b) Completely apart from the Law
c) The Righteousness from God
d) Has been manifested,
e) Being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets.
(This Second one calls me to Thank God for The New Righteousness)
PRAYER: Thank God for The New Righteousness.
We should thank God for our eyes! How miserable our life could be if our sight was taken away, or, if we have been born blind and have never been able to see.
Very many years ago, as a child, after surgery on my eyes, I had blinds covering my eyes for at least 10 days. It was a difficult experience for me then - at first I lifted a spoon to feed myself and it "missed" my mouth completely!
Ever since that time, even though my eyesight is not perfect, I thank God for my eyes and physical vision.
We also have "spiritual eyes"! We are reminded in the Day of Pentecost Sermon in Acts 2 that young men will see visions and old men shall dream dreams. Every True Believer, even if the physical eyes are impaired in some way, can potentially see in a spiritual way. (I have met a few people like that - visually impaired people who can "see" spiritually.)
We can pray for our physical vision today, but let's not forget to pray for our "spiritual vision" also.
The Bible teaches us that "spiritual vision" is important, 'without a vision, the people perish.' There are at least two meanings in there: i) If we and the Church have no vision, we will perish. ii) If the people around, in the community outside the Church, have no vision, they will perish.
We should pray for the physically blind and lonely people in our Church and our community, and ask God and the Social Workers (if your country has Social Workers) if there is any way in which we can serve them.
{A dictionary definition of community: "the people living in one particular area, or people who are considered as a unit because of their: Common interests, social group, or nationality."}
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Can Manipulation Produce Reconciliation?
Can Manipulation Produce Reconciliation?'
Genesis 32:19-21.
a) Genesis 32:19. Jacob gave the same instructions to each of his herdsmen.
b) Genesis 32:20. They were to speak reconciling words to Esau.
c) Genesis 32:21. Jacob thought that by sending gifts reconciliation could be made!
d) Genesis 32:21. This was Jacob's plan, not God's Plan. In these three important verses to do with reconciliation - God is not mentioned at all! It was a fleshly attempt between Jewish brothers.
e) Genesis 32:21. Jacob was hiding in the camp whilst the reconciliation gifts were sent on before him.
f) 1 John 4:18. Perfect love takes away all fear. Jacob's love was not perfect, it was manipulative. He was by nature a schemer, even though he had formerly encountered God.
(This QT asks a question to which the answer is: "No", Can Manipulation Produce Reconciliation?)
PRAYER: If we tend to manipulate other people, to be free from it, whoever we, or the other people, are.
'He Went On His Way Rejoicing.'
Acts 8:39.
a) The Holy Spirit had clearly led Philip to this encounter. (Acts 8:29)
b) Philip baptised this important man, the Ethiopian eunuch.
c) After the Baptismal ceremony,
d) The Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away.
e) The Ethiopian eunuch never saw Philip again.
f) But this eunuch went on his way - rejoicing!
(Through this Second one I see the end result of encountering the Lord and obeying Him: He Went On His Way Rejoicing)
PRAYER: That our Churches will really encounter the Lord, then we will go away Rejoicing after the encounter.
Reconciliation is a central theme of the Christian religion, God intends it to be, and it has to be. Reconciliation is the only place where we can be restored in our relationship with God and with others. We can have a relationship with God and pray to Him as 'our Father' only when we have been reconciled to Him through His Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ. God gives us His Word, the Bible, to read and to understand, it helps us very much in teaching us what it means to live the Christian Life.
It is from our position as reconciled sons and daughters of God that we can make reconciliation with others if we so desire. Just as our reconciliation with God comes from His heart and appeals to ours, so our reconciliation with other True Believers comes from God, working in our hearts first and not our passively waiting for them to take the first step.
If we desire to reconcile with a non-Believer, we need God's Grace and the understanding that, however the non-Believer responds, we have done our part and tried our best. We should not forget that we cannot necessarily expect the same response from the non-Believer, we just simply do our part.
Within the desire for reconciliation, and our attempts to do it, we should never involve with manipulation. Manipulation just breaks relationships further, it is probably one of the biggest sins within the Church.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Us And Them!
Micah 7:19.
a) He will yet again have compassion on us,
b) He will tread underfoot our iniquities:
c) Thou will cast all their sins
d) Into the depths of the sea.
(This QT teaches me what concerns Us And Them)
PRAYER: For assurance that our sins are forgiven by the Lord.
'Our Daily Bread.'
Matthew 6:11.
a) Give us
b) This day
c) Our daily needed bread.
(This Second one encourages me to Pray this Prayer daily)
PRAYER: For our daily bread. (As well as the rest of this Prayer that the Lord specifically taught His Disciples: Matthew 6:9-13)
The prophet here says that the Lord, "yet again" will have compassion on His People. Whether Old or New Testament, we can read over and over again that our Lord is Compassionate. He has compassion on His People and on all people.
Some people do not regard the Compassion of the Lord and they try to live out their lives with their own 'good works'. These people are often very nice, morally and ethically they try their best, and it is a "high standard", but they are missing out on the Compassion of the Lord!
When we have the Compassion of the Lord, then His Life flows through us and we touch the lives of other people with His Love, His Life and His Truth.
We can ask the Lord to give us His Compassion, He will surely answer that Prayer, as He does, so our life changes to become more compassionate with His Compassion, which is lovely!
Friday, July 27, 2018
Christ In Us!
'Christ In Us.'
Colossians 1:27.
a) To the Saints
b) God chose to make known
c) How great among the Gentiles
d) Are the Riches
e) Of the Glory
f) Of this mystery,
g) Which is Christ in you,
h) The Hope of Glory.
(This QT causes me to Rejoice: Christ In Us)
PRAYER: For the assurance of Christ In Us: Individually, as Family (if the family are Christian), and as Church.
'Return To God.'
Isaiah 44:22.
a) Turn back to me
b) I have rescued you,
c) And swept away your sins
d) As though they were clouds.
(Because of this Second One I am convinced about this Message for the Church: Return To God)
PRAYER: For myself and others: to always Return To God.
There is much revealed and hidden thought given to riches in these days. This thought is prevalent amongst those people who already have. In this World system, those who have, generally want more. Enough is not enough for these people. Those who have little or none cannot imagine what it is to have riches because that imagination will spoil or ruin them in some way, especially if it is not fulfilled, which is normally the case.
This QT refers to other riches, spiritual riches, Christ in us, the Hope of Glory. For most of my life I have served the Lord, I have enjoyed being the recipient of spiritual riches. There were times, when I was much younger, involved in some kind of Mission, when I had nothing, no debt, but nothing left, then God amazingly provided and met the need. He provided the material riches I needed in order to live.
This situation, I can see and testify to, was and is the Blessing of God. I continue to serve the Lord, He has put me in Scotland UK, the last place I ever imagined myself to be when I was younger, and from here I can occasionally conveniently travel to wherever He may want me to go. I am here to encourage others whenever that is possible, to pray and now I am beginning to write more.
May God fill us with Hope and Trust in Him!
Thursday, July 26, 2018
A Present Made The Way!
'A Present Made The Way.'
Genesis 32:17-18.
a) This was Jacob's instruction.
b) When my brother Esau meets you,
c) And asks:
1-"Who do you belong to?
2-"Where are you going?
3-"Who owns all these animals in front of you?"
d) Then you are to say:
1-"They belong to your servant Jacob.
2-"They are a gift sent to my lord Esau,
3-"And he is coming behind us."
(In this QT I can see that A Present Made The Way)
PRAYER: That when we make reconciliation, we will execute it wisely.
'Beautiful Beginning To Restoration Of Relationship.'
Luke 15:20.
a) So he got up
b) And came to his father.
c) But while he was still a long way off,
d) His father saw him and felt compassion for him and:
2-Embraced him.
3-Kissed him.
(This Second one reveals a Beautiful Beginning To Restoration Of Relationship)
PRAYER: That we can make a Beautiful Beginning To Reconciliation with another, when we are led by the Lord to do so.
Jacob's plan was to send the presents first. This made me think about the whole process of reconciliation. And why, today, reconciliation in the family or Church many times does not seem to work, even though we want it to.
When we have hurt another person, we may not realise how wounded they feel. Our lack of consideration, care, or humility can sometimes break a relationship or make a relationship unnecessarily difficult.
Reconciliation is not something to be taken lightly. Careless or thoughtless efforts to reconcile can even make the problem worse.
We cannot 'pass off' Jacob's efforts to reconcile as merely being a Bible story, we need to learn some principles from it!
1-Jacob prepared for the reconciliation and did not treat it glibly or lightly.
2-To reconcile, there is sometimes a journey to be made so that it can be done properly, face-to-face. (Avoiding face-to-face, when it is necessary, means that reconciliation cannot properly be made.) We need to go to make the reconciliation and resist the temptation to do it through the telephone or over the internet.
3-If this QT makes us feel uncomfortable, then we need to ask God: "Why am I feeling like this?" If we do that prayerfully, I am sure that God will answer us clearly and well.
4-We can only make reconciliation with people we know and have a relationship or friendship with, close friends or family members. This is important! To attempt to reconcile with others, outside of the family/friendship circle, can be painful and disastrous.
5-We need to realise that sometimes our attempts to reconcile may be rejected by the person (or persons) that we are attempting to reconcile with.
6-If our approaches to reconciliation are rejected by another person, we just simply and privately intercede for them. We should not keep trying and trying, they know that we are attempting to reconcile, we should simply pray for God to open their heart, so that they can respond to our attempts.
7-In an authority structured culture, it is almost impossible for us to initiate reconciliation with someone 'above' us in the culture. The one 'above' needs to initiate, then we can respond to them.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
A Good Example Prayer!
'A Good Example Prayer.'
Ephesians 3:17.
a) I ask that Christ will live in your hearts
b) Through Faith.
c) As a result of having
d) Strong roots in, and a foundation of, love.
(This QT teaches me A Good Example Prayer to pray for others)
PRAYER: For Christ to live in our hearts and the hearts of those people in our family and Church.
'The Cup And The Bread.'
1 Corinthians 10:16.
a) Isn't the Cup of Blessing that we bless
b) A sharing in the Blood of Christ?
c) Isn't the loaf of bread that we break
d) A sharing in the Body of Christ?
(Through this Second one I meditate upon the shed Blood and bruised Body of Christ)
PRAYER: That when we partake of Holy Communion, it will have real meaning for us.
It is always good to Pray for the Faith of other people:
When they are going through a hard time, that their Faith will not be shaken.
When they are sick, that the Lord Jesus will heal them.
When they are doing well, that they will not forget to thank God for it.
When they have broken their relationship with God, that they will come back to Him.
If they are not Believers, that they will put Faith and Trust in God.
Any other relevant Prayer or Blessing.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Self Examination!
'Self Examination.'
2 Corinthians 13:5.
a) Examine yourselves to see
b) Whether you are living in the Faith.
c) Test yourselves.
d) Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you;
e) If not,
f) You have failed the test of genuine Faith.
(This QT teaches me the importance of self and Church Self Examination)
PRAYER: To be living in the Faith.
'Old Testament Sanctification.'
Hebrews 9:13.
a) Under the Old Testament Law for Sanctification,
b) People's bodies were cleansed from defilement
c) Through the blood of goats and bulls.
d) This act of shedding that blood
e) Made the people's flesh pure.
(Through this Second one, Old Testament Sanctification, I discover an Old Testament prophetic picture of the Purpose of the shedding of the Blood of Jesus Christ - once for all time)
PRAYER: To understand the Bible more as we read it.
In order for our Faith to grow and our Christian Life to be stable, God gives us, as explained in His Word, certain tests. Sometimes the test is something that we do, or check, voluntarily, other times the test is something that God puts right in front of us that we need to go through. We should accept these tests as a part of our maturing process in Christ. It seems to me that in every aspect of our lives, we face tests in order for us to grow.
If we reject, or try to avoid, these tests, we get "stuck" in our Christian walk and we do not grow in the ways in which the Lord wants us to grow. We need to remember that the Bible tells us that God's Ways and our ways are different and we need to find God's Ways and submit to them.
As well as individual life, Church life also needs to be growing and stable.
Having lived for more than twenty years in South East and East Asia, I have witnessed many Churches that are growing both in numbers and maturity. These Churches have been passing their tests and maturing well. I have also seen fast-growing Churches that have failed the test, or are failing it.
God's Love for His Church world-wide means that there is no gathering or assembly of His People that He has forgotten or does not care about. Christ loves the Church! Christ gave Himself at the Cross for His Church! The Church is redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ!
We should never treat the Biblical gathering of God's People lightly. If the gathering is not Biblical, or the emphasis is not on the Ministry for, and of, God's People, if the Lord Jesus Christ is not being exalted and clearly Worshipped, it is not the Church. Acts 2:42 is still a measure for the Church today. 1-They DEVOTED themselves. 2-To the Apostles' Teaching. 3-To Fellowship. 4-To sometimes sharing meals and Holy Communion together.
5-To Prayer.
It seems to me that many Churches have lost this devotion.
Monday, July 23, 2018
A Huge Peace-Making Gift!
'A Huge Peace-Making Gift.'
Genesis 32:14-16.
a) Genesis 32:14-15. A huge herd of animals that Jacob prepared to give to his brother in order to reconcile with him:
This gift proves that Jacob really wanted to reconcile with his brother Esau. The giving was executed so carefully!
b) Genesis 32:16. The animals were carefully divided into herds.
c) Genesis 32:16. There was a servant responsible for each herd.
d) Genesis 32:16. The animals were to go first.
e) Genesis 32:16. There was some distance to be kept between each herd.
(This QT reveals A Huge Peace-Making Gift. Jacob really wanted reconciliation with his brother)
PRAYER: To be able to have reconciliation when we need to, if it is possible.
'The Power Of Blood.'
Hebrews 9:22.
a) In fact,
b) According to the Law of Moses,
c) Nearly everything was purified with blood.
d) For without the shedding of blood,
e) There is no forgiveness.
(This Second one reminds me of the Power Of Old Testament Blood sacrifices - The Power Of Blood)
PRAYER: For assurance that the Blood of Christ is efficacious in dealing with our sin.
Jacob was really careful about his gift offered in order to have reconciliation with his brother. This was not a careless gift, it was a carefully thought out one that was given from his heart. If we need to have, or want to have, reconciliation with someone, that we need to do that with prayerful and careful preparation. Maybe we do not have many presents to give - even any presents to give - but we can still prepare our hearts carefully.
Reconciliation does not come from manipulation. Reconciliation is not calculated, it comes straight from the heart. It needs to take place in simplicity and honesty.
When reconciliation is made, for both sides in the reconciliation process, there can be peace and freedom for the heart.
Before making reconciliation properly, we need to pray, we need to ask God to heal our hearts from any pain or bitterness.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Reconciliation is not something that is "forced" upon us by God. We need to be willing and to realise that the Holy Spirit is a "Spirit of Reconciliation". God should lead us into reconciliation because we are already reconciled to Him through Jesus Christ's Cross. 2 Corinthians 5:19 tells us that we have been given "The Message and Ministry of Reconciliation" by the Lord.
REMEMBER ALSO: It is almost impossible to reconcile with a person who has "authority" over us because of the cultural environment. In such cases we should pray in our devotions for the "authority person" to have a change of heart and reach out to us in a purely reconciliatry way, without any will to manipulate us.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Purpose And Evidence Of The Indwelling Christ!
'Purpose And Evidence Of The Indwelling Christ.'
John 17:23
a) I in them
b) And You are in Me,
c) That they may become
d) Perfectly one,
e) So that the World may know
f) That You sent Me
g) And loved them
h) Even as You loved Me.
(This QT teaches me the Purpose And Evidence Of The Indwelling Christ)
PRAYER: That we will understand the reason, purpose and evidence of The Indwelling Christ.
'Why Do You Wait?'
Acts 22:16.
a) And now,
b) Why delay?
c) Get up
d) And be Baptized,
e) And wash away your sins
f) By calling on His Name.
(Because of this Second one I ask: Why Do You Wait?)
PRAYER: For the Lord to help us to get up, be Baptized and follow Him forever.
Jesus Christ, in His Prayer to the Father here in John 17, really wanted the people of the World System to hear the Good News. This Good News brings the wonderful possibility of the indwelling Christ becoming a reality in their lives. "I in them and You in Me" becomes a reality through the Indwelling Christ.
We need to ask ourselves a question:-
"Is Christ dwelling in me?'
If we cannot answer this question in the affirmative, then it is really difficult for us to live in loving fellowship with other True Believers. The fellowship of the Church, as mentioned in Acts 2:42, is supposed to be the fellowship of True Believers of the Lord. Last night I heard the news of the departure to Heaven of a very precious elderly sister, she was already a widow, and her life was fully dedicated to the Lord in such an unselfish way. I was always refreshed when we visited her home for Fellowship.
When we meet such lovely people, people in whom Jesus Christ so obviously dwells, we are so Blessed, and are Blessed in each meeting. This is how the Body of Christ is meant to be. This is what Christ prays for His Body to be!
The Church is not supposed to be racialist, strongly-opinionated or political, the Church is supposed to be welcoming to strangers and long-lost friends. The Church is supposed to be the most accepting environment for anyone to be in. Mutually expressed and unselfish Love in the Church is a precious and powerful Gift for evangelism. The Gift of Hospitality in the Church is just as important as the Gift of Preaching or the Gift of Administration. It should be able to function very beautifully whether the Church has 30 members or 30,000!
A final point, I can only see one major emphasis in the varied and wonderful Ministry of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, it is loving. The Words: "Love one another as I have loved you" are powerful and significant Words that we should not forget. To be rejected, ignored or despised because of our nationality or race is never God's Will or Way.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
To Bear Much Fruit!
'To Bear Much Fruit.'
John 15:5.
a) I am the Vine;
b) You are the branches.
c) Whoever abides in Me
d) And I in Him,
e) He it is that bears much fruit,
f) For apart from Me
g) You can do nothing.
(This QT gives me the desire To Bear Much Fruit)
PRAYER: To Bear Much Fruit for the Lord's Glory.
'John The Baptist's Message.'
Mark 1:4.
a) John appeared,
b) Baptising in the wilderness
c) And proclaiming a Baptism of Repentance
d) For the forgiveness of sins.
(This Second one teaches me John The Baptist's Message)
PRAYER: To repent and receive forgiveness of sins where it is necessary now)
Surely, it is our desire, if we are True Believers, to bear much fruit for the Lord. There are many ways in which this fruit can be grown, many good things, some hidden, and others more public, that produce good fruit. I do not think that we should think about how much fruit we bear, or we do not bear, our priority should be simply following the Lord and His Way for us. The attitude of our heart when we are following like this is very important.
It is not just our sins that can disqualify us from our race today, it can also be the attitude of our heart.
If we know or feel that we are "not ready to run the race today", then we should not run, we should take time out with the Lord. There are some people who fall down into bitterness or lust simply because they are not ready to run the race when they should be ready - but they still try to run.
The major hindrances in our running of the race are:-
Telling lies; lust; greed; pride; comparing ourself with others; trying to impress others and give them a false image of ourself and bitterness.
The little list mentioned here produces walls in our lives that cause us to live in a lie. Living a lie is just as sinful as telling a lie, we really need to be free from that. Our daily Life and Ministry in the Lord is not simply about "not telling lies", it is also about not living a lie and learning to live in His Abundant Grace, whatever the circumstances.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Incorrect Thinking!
'Incorrect Thinking.'
John 14:22.
a) Then Judas spoke:
b) "Lord", he said,
c) "Why do you plan to show yourself only to us (disciples)?
d) "Why not also to the World?
e) "The Judas who spoke these words was not Judas Iscariot."
(This QT reveals that even Jesus' Disciples sometimes had Incorrect Thinking)
PRAYER: For our thinking to be in accordance with God's Will.
'A Confirmed Message.'
Acts 10:43.
a) All the Prophets
b) Give witness about Him. (The Lord Jesus Christ)
c) They say that all who Believe in Him
d) Have their sins forgiven through His Name.
(Through this Second one I find A Confirmed Message)
PRAYER - OUR RESPONSE TO THE GOSPEL: To clearly understand and believe A Confirmed Message.
Even the Disciples who were the closest people to Jesus Christ during His physical time on this Earth called Him: "Lord". These Disciples set an example for the Church, and us individually! We should call Jesus Christ by His Title: "Lord." There is sometimes an 'over-familiarity' in Churches and amongst Christians today to only call Him by the Name - Jesus! If those early Disciples called Jesus Christ by His Title: "Lord", I think that is a good example for the Church through the ages until now. We should be careful and honorific when we speak to, or about, our Lord. To help the "new generation" of Believers coming into Churches all over the World, we should naturally be calling Jesus Christ as Lord! Then the new Believers will immediately follow.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Praying, Resting And Preparing!
'Praying, Resting And Preparing.'
Genesis 32:13.
a) So Jacob spent the night there
b) Then he selected a present
c) For his brother Esau
d) From the livestock
e) He had acquired.
(This QT reveals to me Jacob's Good Mind)
PRAYER: Asking the Lord to prepare us today for what we are going to face tomorrow.
'It's Not The Same As Before.'
Acts 17:30.
a) God overlooked and disregarded
b) The former ages of ignorance;
c) But now,
d) He commands all people, everywhere, to repent.
(Through this Second one I understand that It Is Not The Same As Before)
PRAYER: To repent of everything that we need to repent of that would hinder us from living in the Will of God.
The English dictionary meaning of "acquired", for this particular case is: To gain by one own's efforts. Jacob had acquired livestock. It was from this effort of Jacob that he prepared a gift for his brother Esau. Jacob had gained this livestock by his own effort, this sacrifice was both big and special. The Bible tells us to give ourselves to God as a "living sacrifice", this is also big and special, it can mean a complete change of our life and circumstances.
God does care for, and more than we do, our lives in every aspect. Health, finances, family, future and Faith, all these are in God's Mind concerning us. There are sometimes that we do not understand what's going on, what God is doing or saying. It is at these "I do not understand" times that we need to trust Him. He is our Shepherd and He Will lead us on. He will help us to achieve His Plan and Purpose for our lives.
The Lord Jesus would never have achieved the Father's Purpose if He just followed His Own Compassionate Heart. There were times that He needed to move on simply because it was the Father's Will for Him to move on!
Maybe our Church, our Family and our personal selves sometimes miss the Will of God because we do not give from our livestock to our "Esau", or we do not move on when His calling us to move on.
Having lived in East and South East Asia for a number of years, I can see and have experienced, that one of the many reasons for God's Blessing and Church Growth (often in difficult circumstances) takes place. What I have seen, experienced, and hopefully learned from, is the "Jacob heart" of kindness and generosity. Kindness and generosity not only blesses both the giver and the receiver, but they can, many times, eradicate the threat of, or the fear of, conflict.
The gift prepared the way!! This is carried forward in the New Testament. God so loved the people of the World that He gave His Son for us.
May God give His People, their families and His Church the same heart as Jacob. Meanness is not an open door for Grace, generosity is. A truly generous person has, and tries to keep, an open and generous heart.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Following & Relationship with God through QT!
'Following & Relationship with God through QT'
Here are some suggestions, helpful ones I hope, about following this QT Blog:
1-It is to serve the reader, not to impose something upon them.
2-Use a Bible in your first language to follow the QT if necessary. (We probably understand best in our own language, unless our English is fluent)
3-Read it prayerfully and carefully in the best way for you.
4-Develop your own personal Bible Reading Plan. (The time should come when you do not 'need' any QT from any source. If that time comes, just enjoy QT if you so desire.)
5-Do not be controlled by any QT or daily devotion from any source. (Rather be led by the Holy Spirit.)
6-Allow the QT to work creatively in our lives as we prayerfully read it.
May God richly Bless all the readers of this QT.
Here are some suggestions, helpful ones I hope, about following this QT Blog:
1-It is to serve the reader, not to impose something upon them.
2-Use a Bible in your first language to follow the QT if necessary. (We probably understand best in our own language, unless our English is fluent)
3-Read it prayerfully and carefully in the best way for you.
4-Develop your own personal Bible Reading Plan. (The time should come when you do not 'need' any QT from any source. If that time comes, just enjoy QT if you so desire.)
5-Do not be controlled by any QT or daily devotion from any source. (Rather be led by the Holy Spirit.)
6-Allow the QT to work creatively in our lives as we prayerfully read it.
May God richly Bless all the readers of this QT.
Abraham's Faith!
'Abraham's Faith.'
a) Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:3 & 9. The Lord counted him as Righteous because of it.
b) Galatians 3:6 & 9. Can be our story too.
c) Hebrews 11:27. Caused him to go on in the Will of God.
d) James 2:23. Brought him into Fellowship with God.
(This QT gives me a desire for more Faith: Abraham's Faith)
PRAY: For more Faith.
'Repentance Is Very Important.'
Luke 13:3.
a) These are the Words of Jesus Christ.
b) "You will perish, too,
c) "Unless you repent of your sins
d) "And turn to God."
(Through this Second one I clearly understand that Repentance Is Very Important)
PRAY: To repent, if God tells you to repent. Be specific in your prayer. (Tell Him what you are repenting of)
Every True Believer will be challenged by God in order to increase their Faith. When our Faith is living and growing, God is Glorified more in our lives. We need to be living in daily Fellowship with God in order for our Faith to grow. This "Daily Fellowship with God" is normally based on our personal devotions. (Or QT time).
There are many examples of "people of Faith" in the Bible. As we read our Bible, surely our Faith will grow, God's Word says that is so! If this is the challenge to every True Believer, how much greater is the challenge to those people whom to whom God has entrusted with Spiritual and Ministry Gifts! Our Faith should be alive and growing.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Accepting, Obeying And Loving!
'Accepting, Obeying And Loving.'
John 14:21.
a) Those people who accept My Commandments
b) And obey them
c) Are the ones who love Me
d) And because they love Me,
e) My Father will love them.
f) And I will love them
g) And reveal Myself to each of them.
(This QT reminds me of the starting point of my relationship with God: Accepting, Obeying And Loving)
PRAYER: To have this Relationship with God: Accepting His Will, Obeying Him, Loving Him and others.
'God At Home With Us.'
John 14:23.
a) Jesus replied:
b) "All who love Me
c) "Will do what I say.
d) "My Father will love them,
e) "And We will come
f) "And make Our home
g) "With each of them."
(Through this Second one I find one of God's Desires: 'God At Home With Us.')
PRAYER: Welcoming God to be At Home With Us. (At home, in Church and in normal daily life!)
Every relationship has a starting point, it is the time when we first meet and from there we begin to get to know one another. This is the same principle in our relationship with God! There is a starting point. To have a real relationship we need to have a "live" meeting, not just meeting over the internet. The normal place at which we would have this "live" meeting with God would be in a Believer's home, or in Church. We meet in fellowship with God and with others.
Once we have had that introduction to God, then the relationship can grow, Church can be enjoyed and we begin to live as a True Believer in God.
Certainly, the internet ministry can be a useful source of "ministry engagement" with God, getting to know about Him and His Word, but it is not one of the "basic 4"!
The "basic 4" are:
1-Reading our Bible. (Alone with God)
2-Prayer. (With God Alone or together with others)
3-Having fellowship with other Believers (where practical and possible).
4-Telling others about God, especially those people who do not yet know Jesus Christ as Lord. (This can be done through various modes of communication)
Monday, July 16, 2018
Prayer When Under Family Pressure!
Genesis 32:12.
a) 'For You said:
b) ' "I will surely treat you well,
c) ' "And make your descendants
d) ' "As the sand of the sea,
e) ' "Which cannot be counted for multitude."'
(Through this QT I find Prayer When Under Family Pressure)
PRAYER: When we are under pressure, our Prayer can and should remind God of His Promises to us.
'Subject Matter For The Gospel Message.'
Luke 24:47.
a) Repentance
b) And Remission of sins
c) Should be preached in His Name
d) To all Nations,
e) Beginning at Jerusalem.
(This Second one reveals Subject Matter For The Gospel Message)
PRAYER: For those people who are Preaching the Gospel Message in the Nations.
God, in His Word, tells His People how to be good parents. This Truth can be taken and applied by people from all religions or no religion and it can be good parenting counseling for them. When some difficulty comes into the family it is good to solve it with the Word of God, Prayer and Godly Wisdom. (We can always ask God for His Wisdom and He will answer that Prayer)
We should not passively wait until some "problem" happens and then react to it, rather we should be alert in Prayer for our family. Prayer prepares us for every situation. The family that loves each other practically, not passively; the family that communicates well with each other; the family that shares some spiritual life together and that sensitively prays together, this family has a better chance of standing against the schemes of every plan of Satan.
Passivity, whether it is to do with communication with each other, family spiritual life, or maintaining Biblical standards, will surely bring unnecessary suffering into the family.
Pride and perfectionism do not help our family life!
Every Believing family that really trusts in God can come together to Him in Prayer and with Fellowship and find His Blessing and His Help in any time of need.
To summarize: there are three things that are, or should be basic ingredients of family life: 1-Biblical standards and solutions. 2-Mutually shared spiritual life. 3-Naturally communicated love.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Blessed And Not Guilty!
'Blessed And Not Guilty.'
Romans 4:8.
a) Blessed is the man
b) Against whom the Lord
c) Will not count his sin.
Psalm 32:1-2.
d) Blessed is the one
e) Whose transgression is forgiven,
f) Whose sin is covered.
g) Blessed is the man
h) Against whom the Lord counts no iniquity
i) And in whose spirit there is no deceit.
(This QT reveals a wonderful condition: Blessed And Not Guilty)
PRAYER: To live in this condition, Blessed And Not Guilty.
'The Key To A Change Of Life.'
Acts 3:19.
a) Repent therefore,
b) And turn back,
c) That your sins
d) May be blotted out.
(Through this Second one I see The Key To A Change Of Life)
PRAYER: To repent if we need to.
The Bible contains many verses which begin with the Words: "Blessed are (or Blessed is)". What an amazing book, the Bible, the Word of God is! We find that God's first intention, written in the Book of Genesis, is to Bless His People. As we read though the Scriptures, time after time we find God's desire to Bless.
The Blessing of God is supposed to be both awesome and powerful! When He chooses to Bless someone, nothing or no one can take that Blessing away. We may be the only ones who hinder God's intention to Bless us, no-one else can do it. We cannot blame another person for "robbing us of the Blessing of God"! People who blame others seldom live in the Blessing of God, their blaming shuts out that Blessing.
We should be able to stop, think and thank God for the Blessings that He bestows upon us.
Generally, the way that we commune with God is through Prayer. Our personal Prayer life is not meant to be a complaints list, nor is it supposed to be entirely in a Holy Spirit language that we do not understand! Our personal prayer life is a very basic and important part of our devotional and personal relationship with God. Please remember that Apostle Paul wrote that he used both the 'Prayer in the Holy Spirit' as well as the 'Prayer with the understanding'.
(If we are not sure how to Pray, we need to go back to Matthew 6:5-18. Jesus actually instructed His Disciples how to Pray here, it was a priority and practical teaching, given at the beginning of training His Disciples in the 'Sermon on the Mount'. I also suggest that a written list of things or people to pray for or about can really help us.)
If we are tempted not to Pray, and then give into that temptation, simply put ... we stop praying! We begin to dry up spiritually. This can happen to the whole local Church too ... they stop praying! Then the Church dries up spiritually.
The result of this in a small Church is usually that it closes down, the result of this in a large Church is that the Worship Services become so 'dry' and it functions like a Christian entertainment center, then it begins to stop growing and gradually it dies.
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The Christian Life!
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