The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, May 4, 2018
Raised To Life!
'Raised To Life.'
John 6:54.
a) Whoever feeds on My Flesh
b) And drinks My Blood
c) Has Eternal Life,
d) And I will raise them to Life
e) On the Last Day.
(Through this QT I find the Hope of being Raised To Life)
PRAYER: For those people who attend Church to have the Hope of being Raised To Life.
'Those Who Make Fun Of Us.'
Psalm 40:15.
a) May those people
b) Who make fun of me
c) Be dismayed
d) By their defeat.
(This Scripture assures me of God's Hand on Those Who Make Fun Of Us because of our Faith in the Lord)
PRAYER: For the Salvation of those people who make fun of us because of our Faith in the Lord.
As far as this present dispensation is concerned, the Bible assures us that there is going to be a "Last Day". There is a Light of Salvation and Hope that shines from that "Last Day" and all True Believers need to be ready for it. For the True Believer, the "Last Day" will be the beginning of a completely new realm of Life in Eternity and Life in the immediate Presence of the Lord, not a Day to be afraid of, but a Day to look forward to.
Too often preachers use "Last Day" teaching to try to 'scare people into the Kingdom of God'. It is really not God's Way. If we look at the Ministry of the Lord Jesus, the only people who needed to be scared were hypocrites!
The most important Biblical emphasis about the "Last Day" is that we are living morally ready for it. We do not have to take strange actions like selling all we have, or moving into the desert, or a certain style of 'last days' community, all we basically need to do is to be living morally ready for the "Last Day".
This is especially important because Jesus Himself tells us in the Gospels that we are not to be deceived by false 'teachers', especially those who teach heresy about this subject. In some countries, great pain has been caused, especially in families, by those false 'teachers'.
The Christian Life!
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