The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
A Person Whom God Looks For!
'A Person Whom God Looks For.'
Psalm 24:4.
a) He who has clean hands.
b) He who has a pure heart.
c) He who does not lift up his soul to falsehood.
d) He who does not swear deceitfully.
(This QT reveals to me A Person Whom God Looks For)
PRAYER: That our lives be acceptable to God.
'Justification Is A Gift.'
Romans 3:24.
a) Being Justified
b) As a Gift
c) By God's Grace,
d) Through the Redemption
e) Which is in Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I thank God that Justification Is A Gift)
PRAYER: For us to fully understand what Jesus Christ has done for us.
We can be very thankful to God that Justification is a Gift for us that comes from Him. It is a part of the wonderful "Salvation Parcel" that is given to us by God's Grace. It is bought fully through the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. It does us a lot of good to open and study that "Salvation Parcel" and for our Churches to teach us clearly about it's ingredients.
Of course it is beneficial for us to attend Church Bible Studies and Fellowship groups that are centered on God's Word, but, we also need to explore, read and if necessary, ask questions about God's Word for ourselves. I, personally, think it would be good if our Churches were more 'open' to questions being asked about the Sermons and Bible Studies that are held in, and a part of, Church 'life'. This could be on a monthly basis, with either written or oral questions, answered 'there and then' by the Church spiritual leaders, or answers prepared and given in written form the following week. The concept of 'Q & A' (questions and answers) seems to go back to Bible days where they were common in the public life of the synagogue and also in other 'gatherings' too.
The Christian Life!
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