The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Jesus Really Knows!
'Jesus Really Knows.'
John 6:61.
a) But Jesus,
b) Knowing in Himself
c) That His Disciples were grumbling about this Teaching,
d) He said to them:
e) "Does this make you want to give up?"
(Through this QT I can see that Jesus Really Knows)
PRAYER: For Grace from the Lord to continue in His Will.
'There Is No Conflict.'
Galatians 3:21.
a) Is the Law, therefore, contrary to God's Promises?
b) Absolutely not!
c) For if a Law had been given
d) That was able to give Life,
e) Then Righteousness would certainly be by the Law.
(This Second one teaches me that There Is No Conflict)
PRAYER: For our desire to obey God and to believe His Promises.
Jesus knew that His Disciples were grumbling and He asked them: "Do you want to give up?" As I read about this incident, I can see there is a lesson here for all of us. The lesson is that grumbling never helps! Jesus knows that when we grumble we are beginning to be in "giving up" mode. Grumbling never helps! Grumbling pulls us down, and our grumbling can pull other people down too. Instead of grumbling, it really helps to pray about the things that we grumble about, if necessary, pour out our hearts to God about the situation. We can then find His help.
Our grumbling can also pull other people down and even make them think and believe incorrectly. Most 'grumblers' grumble in front of other people, they are "using" them and will never stop grumbling until someone points out to them that they are 'grumblers'. I am not going to try to find out the source of grumbling here because there are several different reasons for it. What I do want to point out is that we do not have to grumble.
The Christian Life!
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