The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
A Disastrous Husband!
'A Disastrous Husband.'
Genesis 20:2.
a) Abraham said of Sarah, his wife.
b) "She is my sister."
c) So Abimelech, King of Gerar
d) Sent
e) And took Sarah.
(This QT reveals to me how fear made Abraham A Disastrous Husband)
PRAYER: For husbands and fathers in Believing families to take their responsibilities well.
'Another Helper.'
John 14:16.
a) "I will ask the Father,
b) "And He will give you another Helper,
c) "That He may be with you forever."
(Through this Second one, I thank God for Another Helper)
PRAYER: Thank the Father for the Holy Spirit.
The function of protection inside a family is most important. Abraham, at the time of our QT today, did not protect his wife, Sarah. The Plan of God for Believing families includes the function of male protectors. Husbands and Fathers are supposed to be able to protect their families well. When the husband and father fails to protect his family, the family fast becomes dysfunctional! Fear made Abraham tell lies about his family. Tracing ancient and modern history, Abraham is not the only father who did this. Even, sometimes, Church families break down because the husband and father fails to fulfill his function or tells lies about his situation. Protection is not an emotion, it is an instinct! This is basic, very basic, the husband and father needs to be protecting his family well. This is not the job of the pastor, counsellor or grandfather, this is the father's job. Disaster can so easily strike the family that is not "father protected". Fathers protect families and pastors protect Churches, that is how it is meant to be.
The Christian Life!
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