Saturday, May 5, 2018

Out Towards The Desert!

'Out Towards The Desert.'
Genesis 20:1.
a)  From there Abraham journeyed
b)  Toward the territory of the Negeb,
c)  And lived between Kadesh and Shur;
d)  He sojourned in Gerar. 
(This QT reveals to me that Abraham moved Out Towards The Desert)
PRAYER: For our movements to always be in the Will of God.
'The Lord Be Magnified.'
Psalm 40:16. 
a)  Let all those people
b)  Who seek and require You
c)  Rejoice and be Glad in You;
d)  Let such as love Your Salvation
e)  Say continually,
f)  The Lord be Magnified!
(Through this Second one I Proclaim: The Lord Be Magnified)
PRAYER: To Magnify the Lord.
Abraham moved towards the Desert! I believe - from the authenticity of the Holy Scriptures - that every move which Abraham made, he made in the Will of God. This is a part of his life of Faith and Obedience. He was led by the Lord and had a sense of his responsibility as the Father of the Family of Faith. Whether it is the National Church Leaders, or the Local Church Shepherds, they should have a sense of God's Leading for the people whom they serve. The responsibility of leadership is far more than just standing behind a pulpit on Sunday. Any "preacher" can stand behind a pulpit, but not every "preacher" can lead a Church! The people's Prayers for their Shepherds are important Prayers, that the Shepherds would always lead their flocks onwards, into the Will of God step-by-step. 

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...