The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
A Lie Achieves Nothing!
'A Lie Achieves Nothing.'
Genesis 20:13.
a) When God caused Abraham to wander from his father's house
b) He said to his wife:
c) "If you really love me;
d) "You will tell everyone
e) "That I am your brother!"
(This QT teaches me that A Lie Achieves Nothing)
PRAY: To live in, and to speak the Truth every day.
'Living In Freedom.'
Romans 8:2.
a) The Holy Spirit will give you
b) Life that comes from Christ Jesus
c) And will set you free from sin and death.
(Through this Second one I want to be Living In Freedom in every way every day)
PRAY: To have the Life that comes from Christ Jesus and not merely religion.
Fear created the deception in which Abraham lived for a while. It was fear that made other people (especially Sarah his wife) suffer. No wife would like her husband to say to her to tell other people that she was Abraham's brother.
It is always dangerous for modern day Believers to try to 'protect' their favorite Bible Characters. There was, and is, only One Who has Perfection, it is our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can, of course, learn from these Bible Characters lessons that can be applied to our own lives today. The lesson here is very clear, God does not want us to fearfully protect ourselves through deception. We need to live in the Truth, before God, and other people.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
A Prayer For Rescue And Deliverance!
'A Prayer For Rescue And Deliverance.'
Psalm 69:13.
a) But I Pray to You, Lord.
b) So when the time is right
c) Answer me
d) And help me
e) With Your wonderful Love.
(This QT is simply A Prayer For Rescue And Deliverance)
PRAY: For those people that you know who need Rescue And Deliverance, or for your self if necessary.
'Do Not Let Me Sink.'
Psalm 69:14.
a) Rescue me from sinking in the mire.
b) Let me be delivered from my enemies
c) And from the deep waters.
(This Second one - a continuation of the first - is simply for God's help for the Psalmist because he does not want to sink, he wants to be delivered from his enemies)
PRAY: Openly to God about your needs in your actual situation.
When we, or our family, need God's Help, we can Pray to Him. That is what the psalmist did, and we can learn from him. He really trusted God's Timing in his Prayer: "when the time is right". He trusted God for His Perfect Timing. Here is a good "prayer lesson" for us. When we are expecting answers to our prayers, Pray to God: "when the time is right", trust God for His perfect timing!
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Spirit And Life!
'Spirit And Life.'
John 6:63.
a) It is the (Holy) Spirit Who gives Life;
b) The flesh profits nothing.
c) The Words that I speak to you are Spirit,
d) And they are Life.
(This QT gives me a desire for Spirit and Life)
PRAY: For Spirit And Life to come to us through the Words of Jesus Christ.
'The Father With The Son.'
John 8:29.
a) The One Who sent Me is with Me;
b) He has not left Me alone,
c) For I always do what pleases Him.
(Through this Second one I see The Father With The Son)
PRAY: That we might always please the Father with what we do.
Every True Believer will have a desire for the Holy Spirit and abundant Life in Jesus Christ. If we do not have that desire then we need to come sincerely to the Lord and ask Him to help us because it means that there is something wrong with our spiritual life. To live for the Lord means that we are going to prioritize our "spiritual life" and our daily walk with Him. It is the Holy Spirit that gives Life - we need to be filled with Him. Jesus said that the flesh profits nothing. We need to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Sometimes we need to reprioritize our lives too!
Monday, May 28, 2018
Too Close!
'Too Close.'
Genesis 20:12.
a) And she really is my sister,
b) For we both have the same father,
c) But different mothers.
d) And I married her.
(This QT makes me understand that Abraham married too close)
PRAY: For the good and healthy marriages of God's People in your Church and Nation.
'It's All To Do With Acceptance And Faith.'
Romans 3:27.
a) Can we boast then,
b) That we have done anything
c) Too be accepted by God?
d) No,
e) Because our acquittal
f) Is not based upon obeying the Law.
g) It is based on Faith.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is All To Do With Acceptance And Faith)
PRAY: For daily Faith to live by.
There are usually emotionally painful results if we do not truly consider our spouse and what is best for them, especially in sickness or old age. We need to make wise decisions together for what is best.
We also need to consider who we marry in the first place. Abraham married his sister, someone "too close"! In my country it is illegal to marry someone who has the same father as ourself.
It is good that, in these days, there are some people who genuinely find spouses for the single ones in environment or Church. I really respect these people if they are careful and discreet. They help good, but shy, people to find a suitable spouse if they want to get married. There are also some very wise ministers and elders who can give most suitable counsel to those people who are about to get married.
In the Bible there are some "word pictures" of dysfunctional relationships - especially some of the marriages. It rarely speaks of the pain and shame involved, but I am sure that today the Lord Jesus wants to restore the lives of people who have been through, or who are going through, such painful experiences, especially the pain of dysfunctional marriages.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Salt In The Bible!
'Salt In The Bible.'
a) Ezra 7:22. Was to be given to God's People in unlimited supply.
b) Mark 9:50. Is good if it still has its savor.
c) Job 6:6. Can make bland food tasty.
d) Leviticus 2:13; Ezekiel 43:24; Numbers 18:19. Is a part of the Offering to God. The Salt of the Covenant.
e) Ezekiel 16:4. Was a part of the initial cleaning of new-born babies.
f) 2 Samuel 8:13; 2 Kings 14:7. The Valley of Salt was a place of Victory.
g) Genesis 19:26. Lot's wife disobeyed and became a pillar of it. (She looked back!)
h) 2 Kings 2:21. Gave healing to the water.
i) Matthew 5:13. Believers are salt of the Earth.
j) Colossians 4:6. Should season our speech, so that we know how to answer each other well.
(This QT teaches me about Salt In The Bible)
PRAY: For the New Born Babies in our Families, Churches, Neighborhoods and Workplace associates, that they will be healthy and grow well.
'The Promise Of God.'
Romans 4:16.
a) Depends on Faith.
b) Rests on Grace.
c) Is for all people who have the same Faith as Abraham. (Faith that is the Gift of God)
d) Abraham is the father of us all. (All people who have Faith in God)
(This Second one gives me confidence in The Promises Of God)
PRAY: For Faith and Grace to live with Confidence in God and His Promises.
Lot's wife disobeyed and became a pillar of salt! This may seem very harsh, but it is not. There is a lesson for all of us here. When we look back our "eyes of Faith" become dim. Looking back can cause all kinds of wrong desires and emotions. We need to look to the Lord and look in the direction that He is leading us. There is a "false comfort" in only looking back and it does not achieve anything helpful.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
An Astounding Question!
'An Astounding Question.'
John 6:62.
a) Jesus Christ asked this question to His Disciples:
b) "Then what would you say
c) "If you saw the Son of Man.
d) "Go up to Heaven
e) "Where He came from?"
(This QT reveals An Astounding Question that Jesus Asked His Disciples)
PRAYER: To be ready to meet Jesus Christ in Heaven one day.
'Remember God's Grace Through Christ.'
Galatians 3:2.
a) Paul wrote:
b) "I want to know only one thing
c) "How were you given God's Spirit?
d) "Was it by obeying the Law of Moses?
e) "Or by hearing about Christ,
f) "And having Faith in Him?"
(Through this Second one I want to Remember God's Grace Through Christ)
PRAYER: To always remember the Message about Jesus Christ.
Sometimes God challenges us as we read His Word. When we read something that causes us to ask ourselves: "What does God mean here?" When that happens, God does not want to leave us mystified, He wants us to search the Scriptures and Pray - to find out what He is saying to us through His Word. We should do that before turning to various Bible aids if we really need to. Bible aids are for personal Bible Study and preparation for sharing God's Word with others or Preaching and Teaching. Bible aids are not so helpful for personal devotions.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Fear And Deception Lead To Havoc!
'Fear And Deception Lead To Havoc.'
Genesis 20:8-11.
a) Genesis 20:8. Early in the morning, Abimelech called together all of his officials.
b) Genesis 20:8. They were all so fearful as a result of Abraham's lie.
c) Genesis 20:9-10. Abimelech called Abraham, he asked him:
1-"What have you done?"
2-"How have I offended you?'
3-"That you should bring on me and my kingdom a great sin."
4-"You have done things to me that should not have been done."
5-"What were you thinking when you did this?"
d) Genesis 20:11. Abraham answered: "I thought that because there no God-fearing people in this place, I'd be killed because of my wife."
(Through this QT I understand that Fear And Deception Lead To Havoc)
PRAYER: That our lives be free from Fear And Deception.
'The Old And The New.'
John 1:17.
a) For the Law
b) Was given through Moses;
c) Grace and Truth
d) Came through Jesus Christ.
(This Second one reminds me of the sources of The Old And The New)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Law, Grace and Truth.
Abimelech did not simply struggle in his heart with what Abraham had done, he called Abraham and confronted him. Abraham confessed his fear in front of Abimelech. It is very obvious to me that although Abraham was a "hero of Faith", he was definitely not a good husband. Fear and deception came into Abraham's life because of this situation. We can learn many good lessons from the Old Testament "heroes of Faith", but none of them were perfect. Only the Lord is perfect!
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Praying Privately!
'Praying Privately.'
Matthew 6:5-6.
a) When we pray, (As Believers we should pray!)
b) We should not pray like the hypocrites do.
c) Hypocrites love to pray public prayers that seem so eloquent.
d) Hypocrites will have the 'reward' assigned for them.
e) When we pray, we should go into our room.
f) When we have shut the door, we can pray to our Father in the secret place.
Matthew 7:7-8. We are to ask, seek, and knock in Prayer.
g) Our Father, Who sees in secret, will reward us openly.
(Let us not forget the importance of Praying Privately)
Jesus Really Knows!
'Jesus Really Knows.'
John 6:61.
a) But Jesus,
b) Knowing in Himself
c) That His Disciples were grumbling about this Teaching,
d) He said to them:
e) "Does this make you want to give up?"
(Through this QT I can see that Jesus Really Knows)
PRAYER: For Grace from the Lord to continue in His Will.
'There Is No Conflict.'
Galatians 3:21.
a) Is the Law, therefore, contrary to God's Promises?
b) Absolutely not!
c) For if a Law had been given
d) That was able to give Life,
e) Then Righteousness would certainly be by the Law.
(This Second one teaches me that There Is No Conflict)
PRAYER: For our desire to obey God and to believe His Promises.
Jesus knew that His Disciples were grumbling and He asked them: "Do you want to give up?" As I read about this incident, I can see there is a lesson here for all of us. The lesson is that grumbling never helps! Jesus knows that when we grumble we are beginning to be in "giving up" mode. Grumbling never helps! Grumbling pulls us down, and our grumbling can pull other people down too. Instead of grumbling, it really helps to pray about the things that we grumble about, if necessary, pour out our hearts to God about the situation. We can then find His help.
Our grumbling can also pull other people down and even make them think and believe incorrectly. Most 'grumblers' grumble in front of other people, they are "using" them and will never stop grumbling until someone points out to them that they are 'grumblers'. I am not going to try to find out the source of grumbling here because there are several different reasons for it. What I do want to point out is that we do not have to grumble.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Put It Right!
'Put It Right.'
Genesis 20:7.
a) Now
b) Therefore, restore the man's wife.
c) For he is a prophet,
d) And he will pray for you.
e) And you will live.
f) If you don't restore her,
g) Know for sure that you will die,
h) You,
i) And all who are yours.
(This QT teaches us the importance of Putting It Right)
'The Old Testament Way.'
Romans 10:5.
a) Moses writes about the Righteousness of the Law:
b) "The one who does them
c) "Will live by them."
(This Second One teaches me The Old Testament Way)
When we read the Old Testament, we can also find the Love and Grace of God. We need to remember that the Old Testament points to the New Testament and prepares the Way for it. The entire Scripture is God's Word and we need to read it and believe it as such. The lessons that we can learn from the Old Testament can really help us to understand and apply the New Testament. The Bible, God's Word, in its entirety, is a complete Revelation from and of God.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
We Need To Keep A Pure Heart!
‘We Need To Keep A Pure Heart!’
a) MT 15:7-8
“You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah
prophesy of you, when he said: ‘This people honours me with their lips, but
their heart is far from me…”
When people only honour God with their
mouths it is a tragedy! It means that their hearts are far from God. That is
hypocrisy. If our hearts are far from God, then what comes out of our mouths
towards God has no meaning.
When hypocrisy comes
into the Church, we can be sure that there will be no Holy Spirit anointing.
b) MT 5:8 “Blessed are the
pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
Here is a very clear Promise for
those people who have pure hearts. To be sure, they will see God. I am sure
that they are looking forward to meeting Him and seeing Him.
c) I will give
you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the
heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my
Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey
my rules. Ezekiel 36:26-27
God’s Promise is to give His People a
new heart and a new spirit. He will take away our heart of stone and give us a
heart of flesh. This all takes place as He gives us the Holy Spirit.
There are three clear Promises from God here:
1- God will
give us a new heart and a new spirit if we are His People.
2- God will
take away the heart of stone if we have one.
3- God will
put His Spirit within us, making us careful to obey Him.
If we have the Eternal Hope in our heart, it keeps us pure.
We can have confidence and Faith now because we are God’s Children.
The Implanted Word!
'The Implanted Word.'
James 1:21.
a) Therefore lay aside all filthiness.
b) And overflow of wickedness,
c) And receive with meekness
d) The implanted Word,
e) Which is able to save your souls.
(This QT reveals to me the power of The Implanted Word)
PRAYER: That the Word of God in your heart will be living and real to you.
'Grace, Not Works.'
Romans 11:6.
a) If God's Gracious Choice is by grace
b) It is no longer on the basis of works,
c) Otherwise grace is no longer grace.
(This Second one reminds me that God's Gracious Choice is by Grace, Not Works)
PRAYER: To fully understand about God's Gracious Choice being by Grace.
We need to read the Word of God well! If we find it difficult, we can get 'Bible Reading helps', maybe at Church or the Christian Book Store. It is good to grow in our personal Bible Reading so we can come to read and understand the Bible for ourselves. 'Bible Reading Helps' should start us off with Bible Reading and then we go on from there.
The assurance of the Salvation of our soul is a very important part of our life and walk as a True Believer in Jesus Christ. We need to ask God for that assurance in our Prayers if we do not have it. If we have no assurance of Salvation it is difficult for us to grow spiritually.
Reading our Bible and Prayer both help us to grow spiritually.
The most effective thing in my initial spiritual growth was fellowship! The times that I spent with other True Believers for the first few years of my Christian walk was a tremendous help.
For the True Believer, being in fellowship with others is a great help. If we are able to have fellowship with people who pray together and who study Bible together, that is a tremendous help for us. This kind of fellowship strengthens us for living in the Will of God and for facing our future too.
I am so grateful that for most of my life as a Believer, I was living in fellowship with others who loved the Lord.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Jesus' Teaching Is Not Always Easy To Follow!
'Jesus' Teaching Is Not Always Easy To Follow.'
John 6:60.
a) Many among Jesus' Disciples heard His Teaching,
b) They said:
c) "This is a tough Teaching and a hard saying,
d) "Who can listen to it?"
(This QT reminds me that Jesus' Teaching Is Not Always Easy To Follow)
PRAYER: For Grace and Strength to follow Jesus' Teaching.
'The Remnant.'
Romans 11:5.
a) So, too, at the present time,
b) There is a remnant,
c) Chosen by Grace.
(Through this Second one I understand that there remains The Remnant of Jewish People, chosen also by Grace)
PRAYER: For the Salvation of the Jewish people.
Not all of the Teachings of Jesus Christ are "easy to take"! Some of His Teachings seem "hard to take" or seem to be too difficult to follow. The fact is, however, that He will always give us Grace and Strength to follow the "right" way, and He always teaches the "right" way. When people distort the Teachings of Jesus Christ, compromising them, or even making them religiously too difficult to follow, that is when others turn away from following Him. Please remember that Jesus said: "My yoke is easy and My burden is light".
Sunday, May 20, 2018
God Prevented A Disaster!
'God Prevented A Disaster.'
Genesis 20:6.
a) God said to Abimelech in the dream:
b) "Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this,
c) "And I also withheld you from sinning against Me,
d) "That is why I would not let you touch her."
(This QT reveals that God Prevented A Disaster)
PRAYER: Tell God about our potential 'disasters' and not try to deny them, ask God to help us escape from them.
'Still Waiting.'
Romans 8:23.
a) Even we Christians,
b) Although we have the Holy Spirit within us
c) As a foretaste of future Glory,
d) Also groan to be released from pain and suffering
e) We too,
f) Wait anxiously for that day
g) When God will give us our full rights as His Children,
h) Including the new bodies He has promised us -
i) Bodies that will never be sick again and never die.
(Through this Second one I know that I am Still Waiting)
PRAYER: For God's Keeping Hand to be on our lives as we Wait For That Day.
The Bible tells us that pride comes before a fall! This is still current information for today's World. God obviously loved Abraham and He was the one who held Abimelech back from sin.
One of the things that pride holds us back from is honest and humble Prayer. Instead of praying personal, humble and Bible-based prayers, we begin to pray as if we just simply "command God and receive from Him", this is heresy and a big mistake.
One of the reasons that we receive the Holy Spirit as a Gift from God is to help us live for God, walking honestly and humbly with God. Any 'teaching' that would take the Fruit of the Holy Spirit away from our lives is incorrect 'teaching'. Any 'teaching' that would give us a bloated and false understanding of ourselves is incorrect.
There are four helpful basics I was taught to teach others when I was a young servant of the Lord:
1-READ. Bible reading for ourselves is important. If we cannot understand it well, join a Church Bible study group and study together with other True Believers.
2-PRAY. We should be able to pray personally, make a 'prayer-list' if necessary. Also join together with other Believers in prayer meetings and prayer times held in, or by, the Church.
3-ATTEND. Wherever possible, we should be able to worshipfully attend a Local Church.
4-TELL. Personal witness to other people through our lives and sometimes even through our words.
We can see here the importance of the local Church. We should be a part of a Church, where we can study the Bible together with others, pray together with others, and share a missional vision together.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
A Person Whom God Looks For!
'A Person Whom God Looks For.'
Psalm 24:4.
a) He who has clean hands.
b) He who has a pure heart.
c) He who does not lift up his soul to falsehood.
d) He who does not swear deceitfully.
(This QT reveals to me A Person Whom God Looks For)
PRAYER: That our lives be acceptable to God.
'Justification Is A Gift.'
Romans 3:24.
a) Being Justified
b) As a Gift
c) By God's Grace,
d) Through the Redemption
e) Which is in Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I thank God that Justification Is A Gift)
PRAYER: For us to fully understand what Jesus Christ has done for us.
We can be very thankful to God that Justification is a Gift for us that comes from Him. It is a part of the wonderful "Salvation Parcel" that is given to us by God's Grace. It is bought fully through the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. It does us a lot of good to open and study that "Salvation Parcel" and for our Churches to teach us clearly about it's ingredients.
Of course it is beneficial for us to attend Church Bible Studies and Fellowship groups that are centered on God's Word, but, we also need to explore, read and if necessary, ask questions about God's Word for ourselves. I, personally, think it would be good if our Churches were more 'open' to questions being asked about the Sermons and Bible Studies that are held in, and a part of, Church 'life'. This could be on a monthly basis, with either written or oral questions, answered 'there and then' by the Church spiritual leaders, or answers prepared and given in written form the following week. The concept of 'Q & A' (questions and answers) seems to go back to Bible days where they were common in the public life of the synagogue and also in other 'gatherings' too.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Three Things To Consider!
'Three Things To Consider.'
John 6:59.
a) The things that Jesus said.
b) The place that He taught in.
c) The city where this took place.
(This QT gives me Three Things To Consider)
PRAYER: For our careful reading of the Gospels.
'God's Own Plan And Kindness.'
2 Timothy 1:9.
a) God Saved us.
b) God called us to be Holy.
c) Not because of what we had done,
d) But because of His Own Plan and Kindness.
(Through this Second One I thank God for His Own Plan And Kindness)
PRAYER: Thank God for His Own Plan And Kindness.
God's Own Plan And Kindness is not only something wonderful which is written in the Holy Bible, it is also something that we can personally experience. To realize and understand more of this Plan we need to read our Bible well and even study it in some ways. Gradually we can develop our own ways and plans for personal Bible study and then enjoy it.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
In All Innocence And With A Clear Conscience!
'In All Innocence And With A Clear Conscience.'
Genesis 20:5.
a) Didn't he tell me himself,
b) "She's my sister,"
c) And didn't she even say,
d) "He's my brother"?
e) I did this in all innocence and with a clear conscience."
(This QT teaches me that 'All Innocence And A Clear Conscience' is sometimes not enough!)
PRAYER: For greater personal sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
'Being Saved Is A Gift From God.'
Ephesians 2:8.
a) God Saved you through Faith as an act of kindness.
b) You had nothing to do with it.
c) Being Saved is a Gift from God.
(This Second one clearly reminds me that Being Saved Is A Gift From God)
PRAYER: For our full understanding that Being Saved Is A Gift From God.
God hears this statement if it is true: "I did this in all innocence and with a clear conscience." Yet, it is sometimes more than innocence and clear conscience that the Lord is looking for from us. He is also looking for our obedience and our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. This is one of the major differences between the 'way of the World system' and the 'Way of the Lord'.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Search Me, O God!
'Search Me, O God.'
Psalm 139:23-24.
a) Search me, God,
b) And know my heart.
c) Test me,
d) And know my anxious thoughts.
e) See if there is any offensive way in me,
f) And lead me in the Way everlasting.
(This is always a good personal Prayer to Pray to God)
PRAYER: Search me, O God.
'Now Revealed.'
Ephesians 3:5.
a) God did not reveal His Plan to previous generations.
b) But now,
c) By His Holy Spirit,
d) He has revealed it
e) To His Holy Apostles and Prophets.
(This Second one clearly teaches me about God's Plan, Now Revealed)
PRAYER: To understand God's Plan.
It really helps us in our relationship with God, and with others, if we can pray with the Psalmist: "See if there is any offensive way in me"! God surely wants to lead us in the proper way, and if we are to find that way, we need to be free from offensive ways. God answers humble and genuine prayers, I am really sure about that!
Jesus Christ - Bread From Heaven!
'Jesus Christ - Bread From Heaven.'
John 6:58.
a) This is the Bread that came down from Heaven,
b) Not like the bread the fathers ate,
c) And died.
d) Whoever feeds on this Bread will live forever.
(Through this QT I want to feed more and more on Jesus Christ - Bread From Heaven)
PRAYER: In every way, for more of Jesus Christ - Bread From Heaven.
'There Is More To Come.'
Ephesians 2:7.
a) So that in the Coming Ages
b) He might show
c) The immeasurable riches of His Grace
d) In His Kindness toward us
e) In Christ Jesus.
(This Second one teaches me that There Is More To Come)
PRAYER: Thanking God that There Is More To Come.
There should be a desire in the heart of every True Believer to feed more and more on Jesus Christ - Bread From Heaven. If we have initially tasted of the Grace of God, there will be a desire for more and more. The Bible tells us that when we feed on Jesus Christ we will live forever. This is a part of the basic Promise of God - Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Who May Go Up?
'Who May Go Up?'
Psalm 24:3.
a) Who may go up
b) The Lord's Mountain?
c) Who may stand
d) In His Holy Place?
(This QT asks an important question: Who May Go Up?)
PRAYER: That by the Grace of God We May Go Up!
'Saved By Grace.'
Ephesians 2:5.
a) Even when we were dead in trespasses,
b) God made us alive
c) Together with Christ,
d) By Grace we have been Saved.
(This Second one reminds me that I have been Saved By Grace)
PRAYER: For an abundance of Grace to be found in our Churches.
We do not have any 'right' to stand in God's Holy Place. The only reason that we can be found there is because of the Grace of God. Truly, Jesus Christ has made the Way possible for us through His Shed Blood and by His Resurrection. Because He lives, we can live also!
Monday, May 14, 2018
Abimelech's Plea!
'Abimelech's Plea.'
Genesis 20:4.
a) Now Abimelech had not come near her,
b) And he said:
c) "Lord, I am innocent!
d) "Would You destroy me and my people?"
(This QT teaches me about Abimelech's Plea: the Plea of an innocent person)
PRAYER: The Plea of an innocent person. {If truly we are innocent}
'The Worker's Due.'
Romans 4:4.
a) Money paid to workers
b) Is not a gift.
c) It is something they earn
d) By working.
(This Second reminds me about a basic human right: The Worker's Due)
PRAYER: If we are workers, for our Due.
One of the most important and effective Prayers is the Prayer for Mercy. This Prayer can be prayed by the innocent person, pleading their cause. It can also be prayed by the guilty person as a cry for Mercy from their heart. It is never our part to 'judge' whether a person is guilty or innocent. The Bible teaches us that, when we judge another person, we are actually judging ourselves. There are legal systems in the courts which can assess a person's innocence or guilt. The 'guilty' sentence needs to come from a form of 'court' or 'council', not from an authority figure who is answerable to no-one.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Living Because Of Christ!
'Living Because Of Christ.'
John 6:57.
a) The Father
b) Who has Life
c) Sent Me,
d) And I live because of the Father.
e) So those who feed on Me,
f) Will live because of Me.
(Through this QT I understand that I am Living Because Of Christ)
PRAYER: To feed on Christ by Faith.
'God's Promise To Israel And All Nations.'
Hebrews 8:10.
a) For this is the Covenant
b) That I will make with the House of Israel
c) After that time declares the Lord:
d) I will put My Laws in their minds
e) And write them on their hearts.
f) I will be their God,
g) And they will be My People.
(This Second one reveals God's Promise To Israel And All Nations)
PRAYER: For Israel and All Nations to receive the Promise of God.
We need to learn to feed on Christ in every possible way! We need to learn to feed on Christ through reading His Word and keeping it in our heart. We need to learn to feed on Christ through participation in Holy Communion Worship. We need to learn to feed on Christ through attendance at Bible Studies. We need also to learn to feed on Christ through good Fellowship with other True Believers. Yes, it is beneficial to learn to feed on Christ in every possible way.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
He Saved Us!
'He Saved Us.'
Titus 3:5.
a) He Saved us -
b) Not by works of Righteousness
c) That we had done,
d) But according to His Mercy,
e) Through the Washing of Regeneration
f) And renewal by the Holy Spirit.
(This QT gives me confidence in God's Free Gift of Salvation... He Saved Us.)
PRAYER: For any people in our environment who are not yet Saved, to be Saved.
'Faulty People - Not Faulty Covenant.'
Hebrews 8:8.
a) But God found something wrong with His People
b) And said to them,
c) "The days are coming,
d) "Says the Lord.
e) "When I will make a New Covenant
f) "With the House of Israel
g) "And with the House of Judah."
(Through this Second one I understand the reality: Faulty People - Not Faulty Covenant)
PRAYER: For God to put us right where we have gone wrong.
The major point that we find in Titus 3:5 is that God Saved us. Salvation is not something that we could do for ourselves. There are three key phrases here regarding our Salvation: Firstly, He Saved us! The Salvation that we enjoy as True Believers today is all because of what God has done for us. Secondly, this Salvation is according to God's Mercy which we needed and still need very much. Thirdly, we are continually washed and renewed by God Himself.
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The Christian Life!
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