Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life For Some People Outside Of Christ!

'Life For Some People Outside Of Christ.'
Titus 3:3. 
a)  We used sometimes to be thoughtless.
b)  We used sometimes to be senseless.
c)  We used sometimes to be obstinate.
d)  We used sometimes to be disobedient.
e)  We used sometimes to be deluded.
f)  We used sometimes to be misled. 
g)  We used sometimes to be slaves to all sorts of cravings.
h)  We used sometimes to be slaves to all sorts of pleasures. 
i)  We used to waste our days in:-
j)  We used to waste our days being:- 
k)  We used  to waste our days hating one another. 
(Through this QT I find Life For Some People Outside Of Christ)
'Not The Way To Solve A Conflict.'
Exodus 2:11-12. 
a)  Moses had grown up, excellently educated in Egypt. 
b)  He was now a young adult. Back amongst the people, Egyptians and Israelis together. 
c)  He went out to his Israeli Brethren and looked at their burdens.
d)  He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of Moses Israeli Brethren.
e)  Moses looked around and saw no one.
f)  Moses killed the Egyptian.
g)  Moses hid the Egyptian in the sand. 
(Through this Second one I know that this is Not The Way To Solve A Conflict)
Malice in the heart is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit, nor is it the life of the True Believer. I am frequently amazed that some of the Churches are filled with things that are characteristics of some people outside of Christ. This problem, to me, is a lack of the Work of Grace in the heart. It is not ''spiritual warfare'' or a demon in the Church, it simply proves uncircumcised hearts.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...