The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, May 25, 2015
A Time For Self Restraint!
'A Time For Self Restraint.'
Revelation 10:1-4.
a) Revelation 10:1. The Mighty Angel that John saw:-
1-Came down from Heaven.
2-Was robed in a cloud.
3-Had a rainbow over his head.
4-Had a face like the sun.
5-Had legs like pillars of fire.
b) Revelation 10:2. This Mighty Angel:-
1-Was holding a little scroll which lay open in His Hand.
2-Set his right foot on the sea.
3-Set his left foot on the land.
c) Revelation 10:3. The Mighty Angel:-
1-Gave a loud shout like a lion roaring.
3-Caused seven thunders to speak.
d) Revelation 10:4. When the seven thunders spoke.
e) Revelation 10:4. John was about to write.
f) Revelation 10:4. Then John heard a Voice from Heaven say:-
g) Revelation 10:4. Seal up what the seven thunders have said and do not write it down.
(This QT reveals to me A Time For Self Restraint)
'Well Protected True Believers Have Unity.'
John 17:11.
a) Jesus was about to leave this World physically.
b) His Disciples were to remain in the World.
c) Jesus was going to the Holy Father.
d) Jesus Prayed to the Father in the Name that was given to Him by the Father.
e) Jesus Prayed for the Disciples' protection.
f) That they would all be one.
g) In the same way that Jesus and the Father were, and still are, One.
(This Second one Teaches me that Well Protected True Believers Have Unity)
This Mighty Angel set His Right Foot on the sea. The sea figures much in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It is often a place of miracles. It is a place that God opened up for His People to escape from their enemies. It is a place that Jesus miraculously walked on. It is a place where, even though there was a shipwreck accident, the True Believers were kept safe. When I stand and watch the sea, many times I am in awe of it.
The Christian Life!
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