The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
God Guided His People!
'God Guided His People.'
Isaiah 63:11-14.
a) Isaiah 63:11. God's People recalled the days of old.
b) Isaiah 63:11. The days of Moses and His People.
c) Isaiah 63:11. Where is He Who brought them through the sea with the Shepherd of His Flock?
d) Isaiah 63:11. Where is He Who set His Holy Spirit among them?
e) Isaiah 63:12. Where is He Who sent His Glorious Arm of Power?
f) Isaiah 63:12. To be at Moses' Right Hand.
g) Isaiah 63:12. Where is He Who divided the waters before them?
h) Isaiah 63:12. He gained for Himself everlasting renown.
I) Isaiah 63:13. Where is He Who led them through the depths?
m) Isaiah 63:13. Where is He Who led them like a horse in open country?
n) Isaiah 63:13. They did not stumble.
o) Isaiah 63:14. Like cattle that go down to the plain.
p) Isaiah 63:14. They were given rest by the Spirit of the Lord.
q) Isaiah 63:14. This is how God guided His People.
r) Isaiah 63:14. To make for Himself a Glorious Name.
(This QT clearly teaches me that God Guided His People)
'Clear And Easy To Understand.'
John 17:2.
a) The Father has granted to the Son.
b) All Authority over All People.
c) He might give Eternal Life.
d) To everyone who has been given to Him by the Father.
(The True Gospel is always Clear And Easy To Understand)
We are the Lord's Flock, the Good Shepherd's Flock. God's Flock. This means that we are not as stupid sheep that have no shepherd and wander all over the place both getting and giving wound and hurts. Being the Lord's Flock is indeed a very special privilege and we need to realise this every day. We also need to remember it especially in our relationships with others of God's Flock.
The Christian Life!
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