The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Signs Of An Answer!
'Signs Of An Answer.'
Revelation 8:3-5.
a) Revelation 8:3. An Angel, who had a golden censer.
b) Revelation 8:3. Came and stood at the Altar.
c) Revelation 8:3. The Angel was given much incense to offer.
d) Revelation 8:3. With the Prayers of all God's People.
e) Revelation 8:3. On the golden Altar.
f) Revelation 8:3. In front of the Throne.
g) Revelation 8:4. The smoke of the incense.
h) Revelation 8:4. Together with the Prayers of God's People.
i) Revelation 8:4. Went up before God.
j) Revelation 8:4. From the Angel's Hand.
k) Revelation 8:5. Then the Angel took the censer.
l) Revelation 8:5. The Angel filled the censer with fire from the Altar.
m) Revelation 8:5. The Angel hurled the fire-filled censer on the Earth.
n) Revelation 8:5. There came:-
1-Peals of thunder.
3-Flashes of lightning.
4-An earthquake.
(This QT reveals to me Signs Of An Answer to the Prayers of God's People)
'A Clear Description Of Jesus Christ.'
John 14:6.
a) Jesus is the Way.
b) Jesus is the Truth.
c) Jesus is the Life.
d) No one can come to the Father except through Him.
(This Second one Teaches me A Clear Description Of Jesus Christ)
The place where the Angel took the Prayers of God's People was to the Golden Altar. This was a very precious place of Worship. If people are 'really pure and anointed worshippers' they will also be 'pray-ers' too. Anointed Prayer and Anointed Worship go together. It is helpful to read the above passage in Revelation for understanding more about Prayer.
The Christian Life!
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