Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Heavenly Worship!

'Heavenly Worship.'
Revelation 7:11-12.
a)  All the Angels were standing around the Throne.
b)  They were also standing around the Elders and Living Creatures.
c)  They all fell down on their faces before the Throne and Worshipped God.
d)  In their Worship they said: "Amen."
To our God forever be:-
(This QT reveals to me Heavenly Worship)
'Jacob's Prayer.'
Genesis 32:9-12.
a)  Genesis 32:9. He Prayed to the God of father Abraham and father Isaac.
b)  Genesis 32:9. He called God 'Lord'.
c)  Genesis 32:9. He reminded the Lord about His Answer to previous Prayer:-
1-Go back to your Country.
2-Go back to your Relatives.
3-I will make you prosper.
d)  Genesis 32:10. Jacob Prayed:-
1-Lord, I am unworthy of all the Kindness and Faithfulness that You have shown to me.
2-I had only my staff (walking stick) when I crossed this Jordan.
3-Now I have become two camps.
e)  Genesis 32:11. Jacob Prayed for safety.
f)  Genesis 32:11. Safety:-
1-From the hand of his brother Esau.
2-Because he was afraid that Esau would come and attack him.
3- Also he would attack the women and children.
g)  Genesis 32:12. He claimed the Promises of God in his prayer.
h)  Genesis 32:12. He reminded God of His Promise to Prosper him.
i)  Genesis 32:12. God had said that He would make his descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.
(This Second one encourages me: Jacob's Prayer)
Jacob Prayed! This was the very best thing to do in his situation where he had some authority position from God and yet he was afraid of his brother Esau who was jealous of him. Sometimes we may face a similar situation to Jacob, one big lesson that we can learn is that we should Pray.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...