The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Radiance, Abundance And Worship!
'Radiance, Abundance And Worship.'
Isaiah 60:5-7.
a) Isaiah 60:5. God's People will see and be radiant because of what He is doing.
b) Isaiah 60:5. God's People's hearts will:-
2-Swell with Joy.
c) Isaiah 60:5. The wealth on the seas will be brought to God's People.
d) Isaiah 60:5. The wealth of the Nations will come to God's People.
e) Isaiah 60:6. Herds of young camels from Midian and Ephah will cover the land.
f) Isaiah 60:6. Camels will come from Sheba.
g) Isaiah 60:6. They will bear gold and incense.
h) Isaiah 60:6. Even the camels shall be proclaiming the Praise of the Lord.
i) Isaiah 60:7. All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered to God's People.
j) Isaiah 60:7. The rams of Nebaioth will serve God's People.
k) Isaiah 60:7. The flocks and rams will be accepted as God's Offerings on the Altar.
l) Isaiah 60:7. God will Glorify His Glorious House.
(In this QT I find Radiance, Abundance and Worship)
'Naaman's Pride Broken Through.'
2 Kings 5:10-14.
a) 2 Kings 5:10. Elisha simply sent a messenger to this important man Naaman. (He did not come to meet him)
b) 2 Kings 5:10. The messenger told Naaman:-
1-Wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River.
2-Your flesh will be restored.
3-You will be cleansed.
c) 2 Kings 5:11-12. Naaman's response in pride:-
1-He went away angry.
2-He said that he thought Elisha would surely come out to meet him.
3-He expected Elisha to:-
A-Come out to meet him.
B-Stand and call out to the Lord his God.
C-Wave his hand over the spot.
D-Cure him of leprosy.
4-He compared the Rivers Abana and Pharpar to the Jordan.
5-He wanted to wash in those rivers to be healed - not Jordan.
6-He turned.
7-He went off in a rage.
d) 2 Kings 5:13. Naaman's servants:-
1-Went to him.
2-Spoke to him in an honourable way.
3-Reasoned with him about the words from Elisha.
e) 2 Kings 5:14. Naaman:-
1-Listened to his servants.
2-Dipped himself in the Jordan seven times.
3-Did as the man of God had told him.
4-Had his flesh restored.
5-Became clean like a young boy.
(This Second one teaches me how Naaman's Pride Was Broken Through)
Sometimes, just like Naaman, we put more expectation on the Servants of the Lord rather than on the Lord Himself. We think that we need to see the Servant of the Lord even though the Lord Himself has already told us what to do. This is unwise! We should always do what the Lord wants us to do. His Will is most important.
The Christian Life!
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