The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
The First Angel And His Trumpet!
'The First Angel And His Trumpet.'
Revelation 8:7.
a) The Angel sounded his trumpet.
b) There came, hurled down on the Earth:-
c) A third of the Earth was burned up.
d) A third of the trees were burned up.
e) All the green grass was burned up.
(Through this QT I find the First Angel And His Trumpet)
'Sexual Immorality Is Sin.'
1 Corinthians 6:18.
a) Flee from sexual immorality.
b) Avoid sexual immorality.
c) All other sins that are committed are committed outside the body.
d) Those people who engage in sexual immorality.
e) Commit sin against their own bodies.
(This Second one reminds me that Sexual Immorality Is Sin)
Blood is always something that is significant in Biblical Passages. The main significance is the Blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses us from all sin. Jesus Christ shed His Blood so that we can come to God and commune with Him. Blood as a "type" is much mentioned in the Old Testament Sacrifices.
The Head Of The Church!
'The Head Of The Church.'
Ephesians 1:22-23.
a) God has placed all things under the feet of Jesus Christ.
b) God has appointed Jesus Christ to be Head of everything over the Church.
c) The Church is the Body of Jesus Christ.
d) The fullness of Jesus Christ.
e) He fills everything in every way.
(This QT tells me Who is The Head Of The Church)
'All Things And Anything.'
1 Corinthians 6:12.
a) You may say that you have the right to do anything.
b) All things are lawful for me.
c) But not all things are beneficial.
d) I have the right to do anything.
e) I will not be mastered by anything.
f) I will not be brought under the power of anything.
(This Second one teaches me about All Things And Anything)
Jesus Christ still, until now, fills everything in every way. In the recent history of Church Praise and Worship songs there was one which sang out: "He is all I need; Jesus is all I need.' This is based on Biblical Truth. When the Church sings these Bible based songs it is really Glorifying to God.
Harvest It And Praise The Lord!
'Harvest It And Praise The Lord.'
Isaiah 62:8-9.
a) The Lord has sworn by His Right Hand.
b) The Lord has sworn by His Mighty Arm.
c) That He will never again give His People's food to their enemies.
d) Never again will the enemies drink His People's Wine for which they toiled so much.
e) Those people who gathered the harvest shall eat it and Praise the Lord.
f) Those people who gathered the vintage grapes.
g) Will drink of them in the courts of God's Sanctuary.
(This QT I want to obey: Harvest It And Praise The Lord.
'What Our Bodies Are Meant For.'
1 Corinthians 6:13.
a) Food is intended for the stomach.
b) The stomach is intended for food.
c) God will finally end the functions of both.
d) He will bring them to nothing.
e) The body is not intended for sexual immorality.
f) The body is intended for the Lord.
g) The Lord is intended for the body to:-
1-Save it.
2-Sanctify it.
3-Resurrect it.
(This Second one teaches me What My Body Is Meant For)
The Lord has sworn by His Mighty Arm. If we attend some kind of dedication meeting, or the time of Graduation from a Military College. Also if we enter a court of law, we can easily witness people raising their hand in some kind of response when it is called for. Raising the hand is important. How much more when God does it, He swears by His Mighty Arm)
They Were Prepared!
'They Were Prepared.'
Revelation 8:6.
a) There were seven Angels.
b) There were seven Trumpets.
c) The Angels prepared themselves.
d) To sound the Trumpets.
(This QT teaches me that They Were Prepared)
'We Are Not Our Own.'
1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
a) We should know that our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
b) The Holy Spirit is in us.
c) We have received Him from God.
d) We are not our own.
e) We are bought at a price. (The Blood of Christ)
f) We are to Honour and Glorify God with our bodies.
(This Second one reminds me that I Am Not My Own)
Being prepared for whatever we may have to do is very important. If we are not prepared then we may struggle unnecessarily. If we are to be prepared it also means that we need to think and plan. If we are not prepared, doing the things that we need to do can be very tiring and frustrating.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Jesus Christ Now!
'Jesus Christ Now.'
Ephesians 1:21.
a) He is far above all Rulers.
b) He is far above all Authority.
c) He is far above all Power.
d) He is far above all Dominion.
e) He is far above all Principalities.
f) He is far above all Might.
g) He is far above every name that is named.
h) He is far above every name that is invoked.
i) Not only in this present age.
j) But also in the One to come!
(This QT shows me Jesus Christ Now)
'Philip's Mistake.'
John 14:8-9.
a) Philip asked the Lord.
b) To show him and the other Disciples the Father.
c) That would be enough for them.
d) Jesus answered Philip with a question: "Don't you know Me, Philip?"
e) Even Jesus had been amongst the Disciples for a long time.
f) Jesus answered Philip again: "Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father."
g) "How can you say: 'Show us the Father'?"
(This Second one reveals Philip's Mistake)
Jesus Christ is far above all Rulers. We often see news broadcasts regarding Rulers and their decisions. We should never forget that the Ruler of all Rulers is Jesus Christ. When we come into the Kingdom of God we submit to the King of Kings - King Jesus.
Give Him No Rest!
'Give Him No Rest.'
Isaiah 62:6-7.
a) The Lord has posted Watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem.
b) They will never be silent.
c) Day or night.
d) You people who call on the Name of the Lord.
e) Give yourselves no rest.
f) Also give the Lord no rest.
g) Until He establishes Jerusalem.
h) And makes Jerusalem the praise of the Earth.
(This QT quickens my Prayer: Give Him No Rest)
'Knowing God.'
John 14:7.
a) Jesus is speaking to His Disciples.
b) He said that if they really knew Him.
c) They would know the Father also.
d) From that moment forward.
e) The Disciples knew the Father.
f) Because He was in Christ. (Reconciling the World to Himself)
(This Second one helps me to understand what Knowing God is all about)
Prayer is something that at times needs to be exercised, when it is possible and called for, without a time restraint. In both the Old and New Testaments we can find examples of this. When Churches and individuals give themselves to Prayer it is so effective and meaningful. Truly, they are giving the Lord, and themselves, no rest!
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Signs Of An Answer!
'Signs Of An Answer.'
Revelation 8:3-5.
a) Revelation 8:3. An Angel, who had a golden censer.
b) Revelation 8:3. Came and stood at the Altar.
c) Revelation 8:3. The Angel was given much incense to offer.
d) Revelation 8:3. With the Prayers of all God's People.
e) Revelation 8:3. On the golden Altar.
f) Revelation 8:3. In front of the Throne.
g) Revelation 8:4. The smoke of the incense.
h) Revelation 8:4. Together with the Prayers of God's People.
i) Revelation 8:4. Went up before God.
j) Revelation 8:4. From the Angel's Hand.
k) Revelation 8:5. Then the Angel took the censer.
l) Revelation 8:5. The Angel filled the censer with fire from the Altar.
m) Revelation 8:5. The Angel hurled the fire-filled censer on the Earth.
n) Revelation 8:5. There came:-
1-Peals of thunder.
3-Flashes of lightning.
4-An earthquake.
(This QT reveals to me Signs Of An Answer to the Prayers of God's People)
'A Clear Description Of Jesus Christ.'
John 14:6.
a) Jesus is the Way.
b) Jesus is the Truth.
c) Jesus is the Life.
d) No one can come to the Father except through Him.
(This Second one Teaches me A Clear Description Of Jesus Christ)
The place where the Angel took the Prayers of God's People was to the Golden Altar. This was a very precious place of Worship. If people are 'really pure and anointed worshippers' they will also be 'pray-ers' too. Anointed Prayer and Anointed Worship go together. It is helpful to read the above passage in Revelation for understanding more about Prayer.
Filled In Christ!
'Filled In Christ.'
Colossians 2:10.
a) In Christ we have been brought to fullness.
b) Christ is the Head.
c) Over every:-
(Through this QT I thank God for my being Filled In Christ)
'Know The Way.'
John 14:4-6.
a) John 14:4. Jesus said to the Disciples that they knew the place.
b) John 14:4. Jesus said to the Disciples that they knew the Way.
c) John 14:5. Thomas said to the Lord that they did not know the Way.
d) John 14:5. The Disciples did not know where Jesus was going.
e) John 14:6. Jesus said that He is the:-
f) John 14:6. No one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ.
(This Second one exhorts me to Know The Way)
There are all sorts of Authorities in this World: Spiritual Authority; Political Authority; Military Authority; Police Authority; School Authority; Good Authority; Bad Authority; Failed Authority. The list could go on and on. The important things is that Christ is the Head of all Authority, because of this we should be able to safely submit and respond to all Authority.
Monday, April 27, 2015
When God Loves A Nation!
'When God Loves A Nation.'
Isaiah 62:1-5.
a) Isaiah 62:1. He will not keep silent for it.
b) Isaiah 62:1. He will not remain quiet.
c) Isaiah 62:1. He will openly vindicate it.
d) Isaiah 62:1. He makes her Salvation like a blazing torch.
e) Isaiah 62:2. He will make other Nations witness its Righteousness.
f) Isaiah 62:2. He makes the powerful World leaders see its brilliance.
g) Isaiah 62:2. He will bestow a new name on it.
h) Isaiah 62:3. In His Hand they will be a crown of splendour and a royal diadem.
i) Isaiah 62:4. They will no longer be called "deserted" or "desolate".
j) Isaiah 62:4. He will make them delightful to Himself.
k) Isaiah 62:4-5. He will call them a Covenant people. (Married)
(This QT explains the outcome of When God Loves A Nation)
'With The Lord Forever.'
John 14:2-3.
a) The House of our Heavenly Father has many rooms.
b) If this were not so.
c) Jesus would have never told His Disciples about it.
d) Jesus was going, and now has gone, to prepare a place for all of us.
e) If Jesus has gone to prepare that place.
f) Surely He will come back.
g) Then He will take us to be with Himself.
h) Then we will be where He is.
(Through this Second one I desire to be With The Lord Forever)
There are times when the Lord will not remain quiet. We can read this throughout the Scriptures. God does, at certain times, intervene on behalf of His People. When God does not remain quiet, everything is resolved. God has spoken. God has done what He wanted to do! When God acts, there are times that His Actions can affect all Nations. People stand or kneel in awe of God, our Mighty God, because He has acted.
The Seven Angels!
'The Seven Angels.'
Revelation 8:2.
a) These seven Angels stand before God.
b) Matthew 24:31. They are given tasks by God.
c) Seven trumpets were given to them.
(This QT introduces me to The Seven Angels)
'Are We Prudent Or Simple.'
Proverbs 22:3.
a) The prudent people.
b) See danger.
c) Take refuge.
d) The simple people.
e) Keep going.
f) And suffer for it.
(This Second one causes me self-examination: Am I Prudent Or Simple?)
Are we prudent or simple? The word 'simple' has several meanings: 1-Easily understood. 2-Presenting no difficulty. 3-Straightforward. 4-A form of taste. 5-Of low intelligence. I often say that God wants us to be simple, humble and pure. In this Second one the meaning is nearer "of low intelligence".
Sunday, April 26, 2015
The Authority Of Jesus!
'The Authority Of Jesus.'
Matthew 28:18.
a) Jesus came to His Disciples.
b) He said to them.
c) That all Authority.
d) In Heaven.
e) And on Earth. (Daniel 7:14)
f) Is given to Him. (John 3:35)
(This QT clearly reveals The Authority Of Jesus)
'Keep Yourself Out Of Trouble.'
Proverbs 21:23.
a) The person who guards their mouth.
b) The person who guards their tongue.
c) Keep themselves out of trouble.
(By this Second one I want to Keep Myself Out Of Trouble)
The Final Authority of Jesus Christ it not something that is only in Heaven. This Authority is on Earth right now. We are enjoined by the Scriptures to Pray in His Name. The Benediction in the Church is in His Name. We are called to Praise: "Jesus, Name Above All Names". We can have confidence in God because of the Authority of Jesus Christ. It is a complete and total Authority.
Righteousness And Praise!
'Righteousness And Praise.'
Isaiah 61:11
a) As the Earth brings forth its shoots.
b) A garden causes seeds to grow.
c) So the Sovereign Lord God.
d) Will cause Righteousness and Praise.
e) Spring up before all Nations.
(This QT makes me appreciate Righteousness And Praise.
'Receiving Knowledge.'
Proverbs 18:15.
a) The heart of the discerning, or:
b) An intelligent mind.
c) Acquires Knowledge.
d) The ears of the wise.
e) Seek Knowledge.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Receiving Knowledge)
Righteousness and Praise shall spring up before all Nations. This is a Prophetic Word that is taking place in many places in the World. In some of these Nations this has never happened before it is a new move of God. For some Nations it is a revival of something that had already happened in the past. Please pray for the Nation where you live today.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
a) Revelation 8:1. There was silence in Heaven for half an hour.
b) Genesis 24:21. The man watch this potential bride in silence.
c) Deuteronomy 27:9. Keep silence and hear Oh Israel.
d) Nehemiah 8:11. The Levites silenced all the people because it was a Holy Day.
e) Isaiah 15:1. Moab is laid waste and brought to silence.
f) Isaiah 25:5. The Lord silences our enemies and the shouts of cruel people.
g) Isaiah 47:5. The Lord said that Babylon was to sit in silence and darkness.
h) Jeremiah 25:10. The Lord will silence:-
1-Shouts of Joy.
2-Shouts of Gladness.
3-Happy sounds of wedding feasts.
i) Jeremiah 51:55. The Lord will destroy the noisy din of Babylon.
j) Lamentations 2:10. The Elders of Zion sit on the ground in silence.
k) Lamentations 3:26. It is good to sit in silence and wait for the Salvation of the Lord.
l) Amos 5:13. The prudent people will keep silence in the evil time.
m) Habakkuk 2:20. The Lord is in His Holy Temple; let all the Earth keep silence before Him.
n) Matthew 22:34. Jesus put the Sadducees to silence.
o) Acts 15:12. The multitude kept silence as Barnabas and Paul.
p) 1 Corinthians 14:28. The person who has the Gift of Tongues must keep silence if there is no interpreter in the Church.
(This QT teaches me about the power of Silence)
'The Prudent And The Fool.'
Proverbs 12:23.
a) The prudent keep their knowledge to themselves.
b) The clever people conceal their knowledge.
c) The fool's heart blurts out folly. (Proverbs 10:14)
(This Second one reveals The Prudent And The Fool)
The Lord said that Babylon was to sit in silence and darkness. This was a part of His Judgment on Babylon. It was probably one of the busiest, most idolatrous and immoral Cities in the entire World at the time Isaiah was written. We can see from this passage that when a city is given over to blatant sin it is in danger of the Lord's Judgment.
To The Father's Glory!
'To The Father's Glory.'
John 15:8.
a) Heavenly Father is Glorified by this.
b) That we bear much fruit.
c) Showing ourselves to be His Disciples.
(This QT is To The Father's Glory)
'Learn Together What Is Good.'
Job 34:3-4.
a) The ear tests words.
b) The palate tastes food.
c) Let us discern for ourselves.
d) What is correct.
e) Let us learn together what is good.
(This Second one teaches me to Learn Together What Is Good)
It is good to learn together because when we learn together we can compare with each other what we are learning. This is especially important in the True Believer environment. It is good to ask questions if we are studying together. It is possible to learn more by asking questions. Let us learn together what is good.
Friday, April 24, 2015
I Rejoice Greatly In The Lord!
'I Rejoice Greatly In The Lord.'
Isaiah 61:10.
a) I Rejoice greatly in the Lord.
b) My soul rejoices in my God.
c) The Lord has clothed me with garments of Salvation.
d) The Lord has covered me with a robe of Righteousness.
e) As a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest.
f) As a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
(Through this QT I Rejoice Greatly In The Lord)
'Open Honesty.'
2 Corinthians 8:20.
a) We want to avoid.
b) We intend that no one.
c) Any criticism or blame.
d) About the way we administer.
e) The liberal and generous gift.
(This Second teaches me the value of Open Honesty)
As a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest. The priests of the Old Testament used to wear very special clothing in which they would serve the Lord and also the Lord's People. A priest was not allowed to minister if he was not correctly dressed. Sometimes the garments themselves are described in a "hyper spiritual" way. Exaggeration does not assist the proclamation of Biblical Truth.
Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb!
'Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb.'
Revelation 7:15-17.
a) This is written about (7:14) those people who are Washed in the Blood of the Lamb.
b) Revelation 7:15. Those people who are Washed in the Blood of the Lamb:-
1-They stand in front of God's Throne.
2-They serve God day and night in His Temple.
3-He Who sits on the Throne gives them shelter.
c) Revelation 7:16. No more:-
1-Will they be hungry.
2-Will they be thirsty.
3-Will they suffer from sun burn.
4-Will they be scorched by heat.
d) Revelation 7:17. The Lamb on the Throne will be their Shepherd.
e) Revelation 7:17. The Lamb will lead them to streams of living water.
f) Revelation 7:17. God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
(Through this QT I am so grateful that I am Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb)
'Overcoming The Plot.'
Matthew 12:14-16.
a) Matthew 12:14. The Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.
b) Matthew 12:15. Jesus was aware of this and left the area.
c) Matthew 12:15. A large crowd followed Him.
d) Matthew 12:15. Jesus healed those people in the crowd who were sick.
e) Matthew 12:16. Jesus warned the people not to tell other people about Him.
(This Second one shows me the Lord Overcoming The Plot)
Eternity with the Lord is chiefly for those people who are Washed in in the Blood of the Lamb. These people will have the Eternal Joy of being in God's Presence and serving Him. They will also be sheltered and fed by Him. Every situation that they are in will be a Blessing to them. They will have no more tears.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The Importance Of Remaining In The Lord!
'The Importance Of Remaining In The Lord.'
John 15:6-7.
a) If we do not remain in the Lord.
b) We are like a branch that is cut off and withers.
c) These branches are:-
1-Picked up.
3-Thrown into the fire.
4-Destroyed by burning.
d) If we remain in the Lord.
e) If the Lord's Words remain in us.
f) We can ask Him for whatever we desire to Pray for and about.
g) It will be done for us.
(This QT reveals to me The Importance Of Remaining In The Lord)
'When Abigail Met David.'
1 Samuel 25:23.
a) Abigail saw David.
b) Abigail got off her donkey quickly.
c) She bowed before David.
d) She them fell down before David with her face to the ground.
(This Second one teaches me about respect for Authority figures: When Abigail Met David)
When dead branches are all over the ground, they can be dangerous and cause injuries to people who trip over them. It is always good for the people who are responsible for these paths to keep them tidy. If we are dead branches, it is easy for us to trip up other people and cause them to stumble spiritually. May our Spiritual Leaders know how to help or, if necessary, deal with dead branches in the Churches.
The People That The Lord Has Blessed!
'The People That The Lord Has Blessed.'
Isaiah 61:8-9.
a) The Lord loves Justice.
b) The Lord hates robbery.
c) The Lord hates wrongdoing.
d) In His Faithfulness the Lord will reward His People.
e) The Lord has made, and will continue to make, an Everlasting Covenant with His People.
f) God's Peoples' Descendants will be known among the Nations.
g) The offspring of God's People will be known among the peoples.
h) All who see God's People will acknowledge them as the People that the Lord has Blessed.
(This QT reveals to me The People That The Lord Has Blessed)
'He Paid Me Back Evil For Good.'
1 Samuel 25:21-22.
a) David had been a faithful shepherd, looking after Nabal's sheep and property in the desert.
b) Nothing of Nabal's property was missing.
c) Nabal paid back to David evil for good.
d) David made a vow before God.
e) He was going to kill every male that belonged to Nabal.
(This QT shows me that He Paid Me Back Evil For God)
The Lord has made a Covenant. This happens in different situations and circumstances. Our God is a Covenant Making and Covenant Keeping God. One of the main reasons that we can Trust God is that is Covenant Making and Covenant Keeping God. It is beneficial for us to study this aspect of God's Character because it also applies to us.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
He Asked That We Might Know!
'He Asked That We Might Know.'
Revelation 7:13-14.
a) One of the Elders in white robes asked John:-
b) These people in white robes!
c) Who are they?
d) Where do they come from?
e) John answered the Elder: "Sir, you know".
f) The Elder knew, he replied:-
1-These are those who have come out of the Great Tribulation.
2-They have washed their robes.
3-They made their robes white in the Blood of the Lamb.
(By this QT I know that He Asked That We Might Know)
'Abigail Acted Quickly.'
1 Samuel 25:18-20.
a) 1 Samuel 25:18. Abigail acted quickly.
b) 1 Samuel 25:18. Abigail loaded donkeys with:-
1-Two hundred loaves of bread.
2-Two skins of wine.
3-Five dressed sheep.
4-Twenty seven kilograms of roasted grain.
5-One hundred cakes of raisins.
6-Two hundred cakes of pressed figs.
c) 1 Samuel 25:19. Abigail told her servants to go on ahead.
d) 1 Samuel 25:19. Abigail told her servants that she would follow them.
e) 1 Samuel 25:19. She did not tell Nabal her husband.
f) 1 Samuel 25:20. Abigail rode her donkey into a mountain ravine.
g) 1 Samuel 25:20. David and his men were descending toward her.
h) 1 Samuel 25:20. Abigail went to meet them.
i) 1 Samuel 25:21. David had just been saying:-
1-It's been useless.
2-All my watching over this fellow's property in the wilderness.
3-So that nothing of his was missing.
4-He has paid me back evil for good.
(Through this Second one I see wise Abigail Acted Quickly)
Abigail acted quickly. She did the correct and intelligent thing. There are times that we should act quickly but we are 'over-spiritual' and tell others that we are praying, when God has already given an answer to us either by His Word or even through the situation. Many problems in Churches would be solved if we followed Abigail's example and act quickly.
Be Fruitful!
'Be Fruitful.'
John 15:4-5.
a) John 6:56. We should remain in Christ as He remains in us.
b) No branch can bear fruit by itself.
c) It must remain in the vine.
d) Neither can we bear fruit unless we remain in Christ.
e) Christ is the Vine.
f) We are the branches.
g) If we remain in Christ.
h) And He remains in us.
i) John 15:16. We will bear much fruit.
j) Apart from Christ, we can do nothing.
(This QT encourages me to be fruitful)
'Joseph - An Excellent Steward!'
Genesis 41:46-49.
a) Genesis 41:46. Joseph was thirty years of age when he began serving Pharaoh, King of Egypt.
b) Genesis 41:46. Joseph went out from Pharaoh's presence and travelled all over Egypt.
c) Genesis 41:47. During the seven years of abundance, the land produced abundantly.
d) Genesis 41:48. Joseph collected all the food that was harvested in those seven years of abundance in Egypt.
e) Genesis 41:48. He stored it in the cities.
f) Genesis 41:48. In each city.
g) Genesis 41:48. He put the food grown around it into storage there.
h) Genesis 41:49. Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain.
i) Genesis 41:49. It was like the sand of the sea.
j) Genesis 41:49. It was so much that he stopped keeping records.
k) Genesis 41:49. The amount could not be measured.
(Through this Second one I find Joseph = An Excellent Steward)
God desires us to be fruitful! I believe that this fruitfulness is firstly in the Spiritual realm, as True Believers, that we commence our walk with the Lord in obedience to Him. Then, this fruitfulness is also in the material way. This means that in whatever we do, we will do it for the Glory of God. Doing it like this will prove us to be spiritually fruitful.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
A Glorious Inheritance!
'A Glorious Inheritance.'
Isaiah 61:7.
a) Instead of shame you will have a double portion.
b) Instead of humiliation and disgrace.
c) You will Rejoice in your inheritance.
d) You will inherit a double portion of the land.
e) Everlasting Joy will be yours.
(This QT reveals to me A Glorious Inheritance)
'A Gift Prepared.'
Genesis 32:13-16.
a) Genesis 32:13. Jacob prepared a gift for Esau his brother.
b) Genesis 32:14-15. The gift was:-
1-Two hundred female goats.
2-Twenty male goats.
3-Two hundred ewes.
4-Twenty rams.
5-Thirty female camels with their young.
6-Forty cows.
7-Ten bulls.
8-Twenty female donkeys.
9-Ten male donkeys.
c) Genesis 32:16. Jacob put these animals in the care of his servants.
d) Genesis 32:16. Each herd was by itself.
e) Genesis 32:16. Jacob told his servants to go ahead of him.
f) Genesis 32:16. Jacob told his servants to put some space between each herd.
(This Second one is such a Blessing to for me read: A Gift Prepared)
This was a very lovely Promise from God: "You will inherit a double portion of the land." God is still a God Who makes promises to His People that He keeps. We should Trust the Promises of God that He genuinely has made to us. If there is no clear Promise from God, we should not imagine that there is one.
Heavenly Worship!
'Heavenly Worship.'
Revelation 7:11-12.
a) All the Angels were standing around the Throne.
b) They were also standing around the Elders and Living Creatures.
c) They all fell down on their faces before the Throne and Worshipped God.
d) In their Worship they said: "Amen."
To our God forever be:-
(This QT reveals to me Heavenly Worship)
'Jacob's Prayer.'
Genesis 32:9-12.
a) Genesis 32:9. He Prayed to the God of father Abraham and father Isaac.
b) Genesis 32:9. He called God 'Lord'.
c) Genesis 32:9. He reminded the Lord about His Answer to previous Prayer:-
1-Go back to your Country.
2-Go back to your Relatives.
3-I will make you prosper.
d) Genesis 32:10. Jacob Prayed:-
1-Lord, I am unworthy of all the Kindness and Faithfulness that You have shown to me.
2-I had only my staff (walking stick) when I crossed this Jordan.
3-Now I have become two camps.
e) Genesis 32:11. Jacob Prayed for safety.
f) Genesis 32:11. Safety:-
1-From the hand of his brother Esau.
2-Because he was afraid that Esau would come and attack him.
3- Also he would attack the women and children.
g) Genesis 32:12. He claimed the Promises of God in his prayer.
h) Genesis 32:12. He reminded God of His Promise to Prosper him.
i) Genesis 32:12. God had said that He would make his descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.
(This Second one encourages me: Jacob's Prayer)
Jacob Prayed! This was the very best thing to do in his situation where he had some authority position from God and yet he was afraid of his brother Esau who was jealous of him. Sometimes we may face a similar situation to Jacob, one big lesson that we can learn is that we should Pray.
Monday, April 20, 2015
The Reason Why We Are Clean!
'The Reason Why We Are Clean.'
John 15:3.
a) We are clean.
b) Because of the Word.
c) That Jesus Christ has spoken to us.
(This QT simply teaches me The Reason Why I Am Clean)
'Private Preparation For Something Great.'
Nehemiah 2:12-16.
a) Nehemiah 2:12. Nehemiah set out at night with a few other people.
b) Nehemiah 2:12. Nehemiah had not told anyone what God had put in his heart to do for Jerusalem.
c) Nehemiah 2:12. There were no other mounted animals, only the one that Nehemiah was riding.
d) Nehemiah 2:13. By night Nehemiah went out of the City.
e) Nehemiah 2:13. He went out by the Valley Gate.
f) Nehemiah 2:13. He went towards the Serpents' Well and the Dung Gate.
g) Nehemiah 2:13. He examined the walls of Jerusalem which had been broken down.
h) Nehemiah 2:13. He examined the gates of Jerusalem which had been destroyed by fire.
i) Nehemiah 2:14. Then Nehemiah moved on toward the Fountain Gate.
j) Nehemiah 2:14. And again moved one toward the King's Pool.
k) Nehemiah 2:14. There was not enough room for his mount to get through.
l) Nehemiah 2:15. Then Nehemiah went up at night, examining the pool.
m) Nehemiah 2:15. Then Nehemiah turned back and returned to the City through the Valley Gate.
n) Nehemiah 2:16. The City Officials did not know where Nehemiah had gone.
o) Nehemiah 2:16. The City Officials did not know what Nehemiah was doing.
p) Nehemiah 2:16. Nehemiah had said nothing to:-
5-Any other people who would be doing the work.
(Through this Second one I understand about Private Preparation For Something Great.
Nehemiah knew exactly where to go in order to prepare for what he was going to do. This was so wise. We need to be well prepared too. It was obvious that Nehemiah had to make his own observations, then he could make good decisions. It is the same for us. Being irresponsible is not a part of "Living By Faith."
A Blessed People!
'A Blessed People.'
Isaiah 61:5-6.
a) Strangers shall shepherd their flocks.
b) Foreigners shall be their farmers and vinedressers.
c) They shall be called Priests of the Lord.
d) They will be named Ministers of our God.
e) They will feed on the wealth of the Nations.
f) They will boast in the riches of the Nations.
(This QT reveals to me A Blessed People)
'Love Created By The Lord.'
1 Thessalonians 3:12.
a) May the Lord make our Love:-
b) For each other.
c) For everyone else.
d) Apostle Paul and his team were good examples of this)
Blessed people will feed on the wealth of the Nations. This means that there would be supplies brought in from other Nations to the people of God. It is exactly the same today in many Nations of the World, the population is feeding on food brought in from other Nations. Even very poor peoples are being helped and fed in this way. I thank God for Generous Wealthy Nations!
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The Christian Life!
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