‘Principles In Christian Service.’
Romans 15:17-20.
a) Romans 15:17. We should be enthusiastic about what Christ Jesus has done through us – not what we have done.
b) Romans 15:18. We should:-
1- Never be boastful.
2- Realise that it is Christ Who works through us.
3- Bring non-believers to God through our message.
4- Work as ministers amongst non-believers.
c) Romans 15:19. Seek God for the Power of the Holy Spirit.
d) Romans 15:19. Fully present the Good News of Christ.
e) Romans 15:20. Preach the Good News where the Name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.
(In this QT I find some Biblically healthy Principles In Christian Service)
‘Simple Faith In Action.’
Proverbs 3:5-6.
a) Trust in the Lord with all our heart.
b) Do not depend on our own understanding.
c) Seek God’s Will in all that we do.
d) God will show us which path to take.
(This Second one shows me Simple Faith in Action)
To respond to the Word of God is a very important part of the life of the True Believer. Responding to the Word of God is another way of saying that we are being obedient to God. God is to be Worshipped in our lives. God is to be Glorified in our lives. God is to be responded to from His Word by our lives.