The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
On The Pathway!
‘On The Pathway.’
a) Proverbs 10:17. People who accept discipline are on the Pathway to Life.
b) Job 31:7. We should not stray from the Lord’s Pathway.
c) Psalm 32:8. The Lord will guide us along the best Pathway for our life.
d) Psalm 77:19. Nobody knows the Lord’s Pathways for us.
e) Isaiah 43:19. The Lord will make a Pathway through the wilderness.
(Through this QT I want to keep On The Pathway)
‘Peter’s Revelation.
Matthew 16:13-19.
a) Matthew 16:13. Jesus wanted His Disciples to tell Him who the people were saying that He is.
b) Matthew 16:14. They gave their answer to Jesus. Some people said that He was:-
1- John the Baptist.
2- Elijah.
3- Jeremiah.
4- One of the prophets.
c) Matthew 16:15. Then Jesus asked them, “But who do you say I am?”
d) Matthew 16:16. It was Simon Peter that answered that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
e) Matthew 16:17. Jesus replied to Simon Peter that:-
1- Simon Peter was Blessed.
2- The Father in Heaven had Revealed to Peter Who Jesus was.
3- He did not learn this from any human being.
f) Matthew 16:18. Jesus told Peter that he had the personality of a little rock and that Jesus was going to build on the big rock His Church and that the powers of hell could not conquer it.
g) Matthew 16:19. Jesus gave Peter Authority to Pray:-
1- Jesus was going to give Peter the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.
2- Whatever Peter forbade on Earth would be forbidden in Heaven.
3- Whatever Peter permitted on Earth would be permitted in Heaven.
(Through this Second one I understand Peter’s Revelation and the call that Jesus gave to him)
Jesus wanted the Disciples to tell Him what the people were saying about Him. This was not for His benefit. Jesus Christ is omniscient and He knew what all the people were saying and He still knows what all the people are saying today too. Through their answer they could think through really what they thought about Jesus and Who He really was. Surely this is a good way to present the Gospel today also.
The Christian Life!
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